Prayers needed

Patty is out of surgery. The doctor said it went better than expected. She is doing fine and is in the recovery room. I was a little scared cause the surgery too 4 1/2 hours. They estimated 3 hours. I am so relieved. Kim
That's great man. I'm sure she'll recover 100% with good support like you.
You got it Kim, glad they feel it went well, praying for a speedy & complete recovery.
My Angels texted me that they're gonna hang around for a while there. They really like the company. :D
The nurses had her sitting half way up yesterday. Then today sitting straight up. Lots more pain then. They upped her epidural. Kim
I was posting this last night late but I guess I fell asleep. Patty is doing a lot better. She went for 4 walks. She said she only hurts when getting in or out of bed. She is on some solid food along with the soft foods. I’ll see her this afternoon. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. Kim
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Hoping everything goes well for Patty, and you too.
I was at the hospital today (Saturday). Patty is improving every day. Her attitude is really upbeat. She is supposed to go for 3 walks per day. We did 7 walks. Most of the pain is from bending, twisting and getting in or out of bed. She is still hooked up to all the monitors. Kim
Man this is great. Give her a big hug and tell her we love her. You too I guess. LOL
Just saw this thread,
Glad the surgery went well, and praying for a continuing great recovery.
Way to go patty !
I got to this thread late but I read most of it .
I'm glad to hear it's been successful.
I'll still talk to the Lord for her recovery
I’m visiting Patty now. Epidural came out today. She will get some other oral meds and thru intravenous if necessary. She is doing great. A real trooper. I feel lots better also seeing how good she is doing. Thanks again everyone. Kim