Prescription meds vs Med. Weed



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Let me hear your comments. I am taking oxy for pain, a varying amount, and xanax for help in sleeping and maintaing my composure. If I take enough oxy to dull the pain I am kind of in a stupor and feel like I got a cork stuck in my arse, if you know what I mean. I smoked, for the first time in 20 years, a bit of weed the other day It was organicly grown blue dream. Talk about feeling great, 0 pain and for the first time in decades, my head was not full of racing thoughts. With Washington being one of the state that allows Medical Weed, getting a card so I can posess it is not a problem. I have a friend that is part owner of a hydroponic store and is willing to help me set up my own grow room type of deal. Just don't let me hear your comments, and please do not turn this into a potical post......
its not the pill its the side effects that scare the hell outa me
never have heard of side effects other than i'm hungry with pot
its not the pill its the side effects that scare the hell outa me
never have heard of side effects other than i'm hungry with pot
It is indeed the side effects of the pills that are starting to bother me.
IF you take Oxy's you have to take a stool softner twice a day (am and pm).
I too started smoking weed again after 20 years.
It is the best thing I have taken since I started chemo.
Unfortunatly I am not in a Medicinasl Pot legal state (Georgia) so I take my chances with jail.
I do not care cause it works for the nausea, appetite, pain, and mental issues.
Since weed I have quit the Oxy's and now use Methedone, Lortab 10's, and weed for the above.
I am terminal anyway so lock me up if you must.

Bruce B.
IF you take Oxy's you have to take a stool softner twice a day (am and pm).
I too started smoking weed again after 20 years.
It is the best thing I have taken since I started chemo.
Unfortunatly I am not in a Medicinasl Pot legal state (Georgia) so I take my chances with jail.
I do not care cause it works for the nausea, appetite, pain, and mental issues.
Since weed I have quit the Oxy's and now use Methedone, Lortab 10's, and weed for the above.
I am terminal anyway so lock me up if you must.

Bruce B.
Spoke to my doctor about a stool softener, and he told me to just use.....can't remember the name, but it was over the counter and did nothing for me.
if the weed does the job, that's what i would use...
thats what really matters i take 6 different kind of pills and sick of them but if i smoke i would lose my job go figure the doctors want me to injest chemicals but not naturual things good luck bro frankly im tired of all their crap but what can you do
I personally don't see any reason you shouldn't use what works for you.
If uou get a medical prescription from a doctor, The marijuana is a legal medicine. As individuals we have the right to do what is best for us without harming others.
OK, up front: I don't smoke pot because it is illegal. I don't drink because it is stupid (well, it makes me stupid).
It chaps my hide that pot is illegal and alcohol is legal. Which is worse? Pot used to be called a gateway drug because "hard drug" users started with pot. That's just because they didn't count alcohol as a drug. And are cigarettes more dangerous? Winston was forced to sell NASCAR and not advertise on TV, but it's ok to have a Bud hood in the center of your screen for 2 hours?

Sorry I got off track. Pot is (or at least can be) used medicinally in it's natural form. I don't see how that could be a bad thing. If it really helps, use it. It has to be better for you than Oxys and Xanex (evil in a bottle). Keep in mind that it is illegal in many places and has a stigma in many more, but you don't go around in public waving a tylonol bottle. This should be the same, if it works for you it shouldn't be anybody's business if you smoke or not, whether a neibor, a pastor, a cop, or a politition - they should just let you get some relief.
Don't smoke it as it will harm your lungs.

If you must partake......invest in a high quality Vaporizer.


Best built and best will also save a lot of material as you wont use as much. I have a friend who has medical issues and he has tried them all....this is the one he swears by.

Good luck with your to have problems.

Don't smoke it as it will harm your lungs.

If you must partake......invest in a high quality Vaporizer.


Best built and best will also save a lot of material as you wont use as much. I have a friend who has medical issues and he has tried them all....this is the one he swears by.

Good luck with your to have problems.

My friend that is part owner of one of the hydroponic stores suggested a vaporizer. When i was growing up I was dead set against weed. Drinking was not a problem, just weed. But as the physical problems are slowly piling on and are doing nothing but aggravating my mental health issues I am looking at it thru a different light. I am thinking that neither one of my doctors are going to be ok with this. And that is another issue. My medical doc does random piss tests. And I can only guess the discussion we will be having, just hoping that they do not cut off my prescription meds as I am thinking that I will be using the weed not as a replacement, just so I can use less of the prescription stuff.......Keep the comments coming please...
This is my issue with pot. It is illegal.
There are a lot of things that are illegal and shouldn't be - Why do I have to obey the speed limit on the highway at 3 am on a weeknight? The only cars on the road are cops. But it is illegal and I will get a ticket.
If you don't live in a pot-legal state, it is illegal. Right or wrong still illegal. I've had a lot of employees who got fired because they failed a piss-test. THC stays in your system longer than anything we test for, something like 30 days. If your medical condition is bad enough, maybe it is worth the risk, but it is one more reason why pot should not be used for recreation, at least not until it is legal.
You'll be glad you did. Saves your lungs and save you money as you need far less weed for the same result. Zero is lost to combustion. As well, keep the leftover and grind it to add to muffin mix. Roughage, colon blow, call it what you want.

Also, buy some seeds and grow your own. Buy a book on Amazon, it's easy. You will get good product and not be "out there" with the all the risks that go with buying.

Search "V-Tower" on Youtube. Good units, good guarantee and made in Canada. Made in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. EX-Steel workers started the company. See what happens when you shut down an industry and lay off the union guys. ha,ha,ha,ha....

pete from Canada
Get the scrip from your Dco fro the mj. Mj is non addictive . Oxy will stop workinf after a while and you need to take more and more. I jst went through this. I was taking percocet's up to 6-8 a day! ANd I take oxycontin which is a long acting oxy but equiv to 8 perc/day.

All told up to 16 perc/day. Talk about in rough shape. I feel much better after cancelling my percs. They werent working anyways.
I see a big part of this thread not being said, and missing 8)
Don't you know THC is in our DNA, Yes, when a child is born and the parents or grandparents never smoked it It is still in there blood work :read2:
Yes THC is in us naturally :happy10: When you take a pee test they just check for high levels of it.
And 4flats is correct it stays in your system a long long time , but it will just drop to a normal amount.
Has some one been following me around or what :clock: I have not said anything about this to no one here :read2:, I just had my 4th MRI Thursday and 4 tubes full for blood testing, today I just got back from a NEURO test:angry7:,
Things are getting worse and I am tired of the pills my Dr. has me on :angry7:
I go to Memphis in January to see a specialist, a form of arthritis.
I made the appointment back in July and this is the soonest he could see me.
I am tired all the time and need this site and my dogs to keep me motavated,
My pool shooting is to keep me out of depression or keep it a bay :happy10:
Yes self help can only do so much, My doctor has said enjoy a cold beer or two, But always eat and exercise my lungs and mind, No impact or lifting no more then 20lbs, so walking and taking in eye candy "as I call it" in the woods....
Just a couple hits and I get creative and happy, The pills take that away from me :angry7: so I drink to much and I have got to stop drinking that way...
I will not buy it....You don't know what you are ingesting... I will not grow it, Thats how the state can take your property.
So what does a man do ?
I say one plant per house hold for personal use only. Sort of like making your own beer with out having to have a listens 8)

Not going to happen any time soon though :angry7:
if it works for you and your in a state that allows medical weed then go for it but defienetly invest in a good vapourizer my buddy used the have the volcano one and it was great i personally dont smoke it anymore but if it works for you and its legal then why not give it a try?also about the whole cops seizing property and all i dunno how it works in the states but the cops up here need a warrent to search your house and if they dont you can tell them to get out then you just get rid of your plants also if u have a medical card for it they will probaly be pretty easy on you
oxy is a highly addictive pain killer, it is actually the purest forum of opium...bassicall the purest form of herion.

it has the same side effects, same withdraw...and in most cases, you will need methadone to come off, same thing they give to herion addicts..

i was addicted for 2 years, after recieving a percription for ruptuerd discs in my back...i wish id never been percribed them, i stopped on my own and refused them from my doctor...spent a week puking, unable to get out of bed.

i dont smoke pot, but i recommend it over percocet of oxycotin anyday.
well Inkjunkie as you know I too live in a medical marijuana approved state and have a medical marijuana card only because my doctor who is a nurse practitioner insisted on it because I will not participate in any form of pharmaceutical drugs. Between doctors and hospitals, I don't know which kills more persons as more then half the doctors haven't a clue to what drug interferes with what drug and that's where a nurse practitioner or a pharmacist comes into play in my life. I've smoked the herb since 63 and now with this card am able to either grow or give my card to a provider who in turn will give me any number of ways to indulge, from the herb itself to rubs like Burt's Bee's for my arthritic pain to edibles as well as butter. On the other end I have been known to some to grow both indoors and out and have designed and built a grow station called the Reppertron which was shown at the Horticultural show in Vancouver BC with great success some years back.
I find that good herb is great to lessen pain in many applications and now since I'm legal so to speak, I'm at a standstill because most of my grows were big and at my age I've stopped. An indoor grow can yield as much as a pound per plant grown forcibly using 1 HID thousand watt per plant but needing H2O, a charcoal filter system and either A/C or a water cooled light set-up and to do less of a grow to me almost isn't worth it because of the costs of any hydroponic system. Its almost like the saying, go big or go home.

Your friend in the business may know a provider or he himself may be your provider when your card is issued, and this would lessen your chances of screwing up so to speak when you and your wife has to close down when on vacation which could be in the middle of its cycle or before its harvest. All of what I have mentioned doesn't all pertain to you but even a small grow takes time to learn and to do it correctly costs money. A seed could cost as much as ten dollars for a great strain and growing six plants needs at least a twelve hour light cycle. Among other things the room has to be well insulated and bug free, there are fans as well to make the plants believe they are at home in their environment as they yield their product.

If I sound like someone who is talking you out of growing more then someone who wants you to grow its because I feel you must be dedicated and I know somewhat of where your priorities lay. Between your car and home, your pain and whatever else you've got going on, it seems you've got your hands full and this will take up even more time and the same goes for me. We are car and family people and are priorities are what they are.

I say think all this over and when you get your card, get a provider first as you can always change it from client to grower.

In my home I've always smoked through a water pipe as the vaporizer isn't only expensive but it takes time between tokes to warm up and the water pipe can use wine or juice as well :) to give it a flavor as well as relieve the harshness.

I know the herb has helped me through many a day or night in one way or another and whatever you decide will be the correct decision.

An outdoor grow is a whole different ballgame needing only sunshine and water and a safe spot to grow, a few vitamins and time from April to October, six plants can yield your yearly intake plus more
Will not be growing my own until the house is done. If I do grow my own, might have my well house modified so I can accommodate a grow room, seeing as how it has to be heated anyway. Thinking maybe our loft might work out also. Hate being in the predictament I am in, hurt like an sob today but fearful of taking any more oxy because it will get enough in me so that I will be in extreme pain next time I hit the crapper. Funny how you have a threshold of just how much you can take before it causes other problems. What the hell is this going to be like when I get old??
Doug was the stool softener ratio-Lactulose (lactulose solution USP) by chance? It works but you might have to up the doze 15ML- 30ML or 3 tsp - 6 tsp ask your Doc tell him the doze you used is not working. Just don't ask me how I know........

And eating will be better for pain management it will numb your body way longer then through the lungs.
Doug was the stool softener ratio-Lactulose (lactulose solution USP) by chance? It works but you might have to up the doze 15ML- 30ML or 3 tsp - 6 tsp ask your Doc tell him the doze you used is not working. Just don't ask me how I know........

And eating will be better for pain management it will numb your body way longer then through the lungs.
I believe I still have some left, I wll have to check. Am going to town on Thursday, hopefully they will have an opening so I can see the doc.