Presidential Elections



Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Mankato, MN
Just curious on who everyone is voting for and more importantly...WHY? FABO is a civilized place so I don't see any reason why we can't keep this a civilized discussion.
(R) Ron Paul


Because he cured my Apathy.

Because, Finally, after years of seeing the Constitution being torn apart, the value of the US Dollar going down the drain, our troops policing the Globe, fighting a War against a "Tactic" and not a organized Army, I choose to vote for someone who also wants "The Old America" back and has the Cojones to tell it like it truely is.

Last year, before any Primary's, Caucus', or Debates, I researched each candidate, and Ron Paul lines up with everything that is important to me as the Next United States President.

I agree with just about everything Ron Paul says.

I know his objectives/plan comes off like it would be difficult at first, and it would be, but the benefit far outweighs the alternative. America is on the verge of sinking into the Abyss with a Oceanic fish hook lodged in each one of our pant legs that is bound to take us all to davey jones locker just like the Titanic.

*Freedom of Speech* -Lord help us if that Woman, that half breed Muslim Lovin' African American, or War Mongering McInsane gets in office.

I am done here.
Well since i started this one, I suppose i'll throw my 2 cents in.

Ron Paul

He does seem to represent me very well in almost everything i believe in. And he does seem to tell it like it is.

A) The most important thing that makes me want to vote for him is the way he wants to repeal the 16th amendment and get rid of the Federal Reserve. This could potentially save the government billions and keeping the money in the hands of the public could only do one thing for the economy- Boost it. Instead of the "economic stimulus" where you get $300-600 of your money back to pay for bills, imagine what would happen if every paycheck you got did not have taxes taken out. My money would go straight to the car parts dealers :) The government borrows money from a private bank, The Federal Reserve, and our income tax money goes solely to pay for the interest on it.

B) He opposes the Patriot Act.

C) Hilary is Fugly :)
Ugly election this time around.
To be extremely kind and not go into too much detail I will say.
You have two virtually identical Marxist's, and one liberal running as a conservative.
No thanks to any of them.

I say it's time to excercise the true intent of the second ammendment before it gets to tyrannical here.
I believe all three of those power hungry morons running have some big plans to take our constitution and our supreme court for a roller coaster ride with big influence from the U.N.

Thanks to the biased media, and a country full of government educated dim wits, looks like this country's core values, traditions, borders, language and culture is ready for the abyss.

Lock and freaking load.
wow, this topic may divide the community here but there are 2 fundamental questions one must answer to help in the decision.

1. Do you think that the government should be more or less involved in your life than it is now?

2. Do you think that the government should keep more or less of your income than it currently does? ( in the form of taxes )

The answers to those 2 questions will put you well on your way to making an educated guess. ( the more information is involved, the less of a guess it truly is )

In today's political environment people vote for who they "like" the best.... but the "like" generally has nothing to do with actual issues or track record of the party in question and most of the time it is linked directly to what they wear in public engagements and how well they speak or accessorize or motivate or etc...

In order to make an informed decision, we must look at:
historical stance of the party + recent trends in party ideology + available candidates.
and see if those things stack up against what is important to your life.....

FYI: I do NOT work in politics and whatever your decision is make sure it's YOURS.

Whew, now for the short version:
Republican - not sure who just yet ( apparently I'm not educated enough :lol: )

"The Republican Party is the more socially conservative and economically libertarian of the two major parties. The party generally supports lower taxes and limited government in most economic areas allowing for more economic freedom." from wikipedia - see above link

and for what it's worth here is why I'm not voting Democrat:
"The party believes that government should play a role in alleviating poverty and social injustice, even if such requires a larger role for government and progressive taxation."
"...liberals favor cultural pluralism, a system in which immigrants retain their native culture in addition to adopting their new culture" (only becomes a problem when they DON'T adopt their new culture, like speaking engrish :) )
from wikipedia - see above link
As a Canadian I have but one comment, how can you stand 2 years of campaigning, holy crap that's annoying. By the end of that I couldn't imagine wanting to vote for anyone, 2 years of mud slinging would make anyone look bad.