Well-Known Member
The guy is obviously having some kind of problem..
You don't know that and neither do I. He might have just blown it on beer or something "worse." Hard to say
But I WILL tell you this. "Everybody else" kicking in and covering for him is known as "enableing." This gives the guilty the idea, that "I dodged that one, everybody else will pick up after me."
I don't see this thread as a mess at all. I see it as a necessary part of "doing business" on this board. If there are no teeth in doing business here, then this board will just become another website on the www to scam people.
IF this guy has some home emergency, medical, financial, out of control, that might be a deal. I'm at the age where ANYTHING can happen as a matter of course.
For me, a bounced check after a PROMISE to pay is a real bad indicator. THIS says a bunch, to me.
It's completely different than claiming an emergency, or "don't have the money."