Project Plain Jane

Sad to hear of her passing.
How are you doing with your M.S.?

I'm doing allright despite all the recent stress.Been working out 3 /days week in my home gym and got the notion to weight myself on a digitl scale.184 lb's and not a lot of fat.Feeling pretty solid. Have some money stowed away for the Dart now.Finally.. Going on a vacation next week,first one in 9 years where we are actually leaving the area.Need it.5 years of being a care giver while being sick myself damn near killed me.
Glad you are getting back on track. Enjoy your vacation...
... and then let’s see some wrench turnin before winter. :poke:
Glad you are getting back on track. Enjoy your vacation...
... and then let’s see some wrench turnin before winter. :poke:

My son and I were discussing this last night.It's just he and I in the house now,daughter moved out to go to University well before my wife passed. We talked about the financial end of things as well as how practial a car with stage vI heads is not practical as a street/strip carHis thinking is still build the 451 but leaning towards something like procharger or torquestorm.He's a keener,really wants to see this car done.And yes Rob my friend I know...blah,blah blah,git it done lol.
My son and I were discussing this last night.It's just he and I in the house now,daughter moved out to go to University well before my wife passed. We talked about the financial end of things as well as how practial a car with stage vI heads is not practical as a street/strip carHis thinking is still build the 451 but leaning towards something like procharger or torquestorm.He's a keener,really wants to see this car done.And yes Rob my friend I know...blah,blah blah,git it done lol.

Ha ha! I am just GLAD you still have the fire, sir. With all you've been through and STILL go through, that wouldda put the fire out in a lotta folks.
I truly do Rob.If anything it burns hotter than ever. Maybe it's anger fuelled.I've been robbed in this life too many times to let the bullshit win.Interestingly,I'm 184 lb's and 5'9",not very fat lol.Muscle is dense,no wonder my head is so heavy lol
Oooop! Did it again,ordered another thing lol.Making a bad habit out of this...
Hmmm 6 attempts to upload a pic of what I bought and the page just slams shut and I'm no longer logged in.What gives? Uploaded the pic no problem to FB.Is there some sort of garbage limit on photo size? That's why I had to resort to photobucket (which I HATE )
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Wow this sight is an absolute ***** to upload a pic,tried resizing and it wony let me. Switched devices,browsers etc. It’s this websight that’s the issue.
maybe dumb down the picture quality on your camera/phone. i had to do that a few years back with a camera as the pictures were 'too big' to load on forums.
It's the sight. Dowscaled my pic to 60kb,WON'T UPLOAD. WTF.
These are AMD .Last pieces required to weld up the rear sheet metal.Have everything now.Outer wheel houses ,trunk floor extension,but went with sherman 1/4 skins as I only needs patches.
I guess I need to start a photo garage.Can't seem to upload pics to this thread at all.
I guess I need to start a photo garage.Can't seem to upload pics to this thread at all.
I doubt that will help. Still going thru same uploader. I can load full size pics and the program resizes them to fit. Try clearing cookies. Delete any shortcuts you have. Type in and do a fresh login, then save a new shortcut. Could also be connection speed. I have had to wait till I was on a better connection at times cause speed was too slow. Could still look at stuff, but too slow to even post sometimes.
It's not my connection that's the problem,no issues uploading at facebook.
Did all that.Same result.Maybe admin blocked my ability to upload pics.
It's not my connection that's the problem,no issues uploading at facebook.
How big are your photos? FABO has a limit. Some of mine I have to reduce so the site will accept them.