PSC Garage Poster -- Choose Your Favorite

Which Poster Would You Like to See on Your Garage Wall?

  • Total voters
After seeing what hemitheus came up with yesterday just in his first drafts (I saw them and my first words were very unladylike LOL), I can now say with total conviction that my personal attempts at this are beyond lame. Just wait and see!!! And nooooo, you can't see it yet. Neener neener!!! :-D

Lou, please understand I wasn't offended at all by your comments (I look like a woman on the outside but I surely don't think like one). It's that kind of opinion that I'm truly looking for and I admire you for sharing it. Honesty goes a longggg way with me! And Lord knows I want this to turn out great and be very well received regardless of how it gets there.

In the meantime, I can assure you all that this poster is going to feature the shop, there will be no mistake that it's an advertisement rather than just fluffy cheesecake, and it's going to knock everybody's socks off. This project couldn't be in better hands. Please keep the suggestions coming though! 23,000+ heads are better than two. :-D

But, But, I like cheesecake.
Debby makes awesome cheesecake, it's her Grandma's recipe, she's been experimenting with different toppings...........
I vote:

5, 1, 4, 3, 2

In this order.

Instead of Garage Wall, I would vote for BEDROOM WALL!!!
Nope Denny, I worked for lawyers for 19 years before I started powder coating full time. The only college I had was two years of law school. I never imagined owning a business until circumstances pretty much forced it to happen when we moved to Tennessee after Hurricane Katrina.

I do all this with the wonderful help from my friends and those I've never had the pleasure of meeting whose collective input I consider invaluable.

I've been on FABO for nearly seven years but opened PSC in 2007 so I've come to rely on the honest feedback I've enjoyed from ya'll along the way. This isn't the first time I've called on FABO for opinions about what to do with my shop and I'm sure it won't be the last. You guys influence my decisions about a lot of things in ways you probably never imagined .........

Thanks to one and all for being who you are. Couldn't do it without ya. :-D
And that is,in essence what America is all about.Thanks for taking a chance nowadays,both of you.Small business is a *****,but when you go home,nothing saying,"What did I do wrong"(lol)
]I know this is an advertisement for your business but it don't do much good if no one reads it. Ya'll know her i don't so if i'm a guy who wants some powder coating done an i see that advertisement [first impressions are lasting ones] i probly would not even ask for an estamate just because it don't look professional to me. Don't get me wrong don't want to see her in coveralls all dirty but i think dressing a little more conservitive would be applicable in this case and some of the product should be infused into the photo.

I must question your "man credentials". If a picture of Leanna doesn't get your attention, you don't like woman or are woman. There are even many lesbians that would love to get one of those to hang on their walls.

If the goal here is to get our attention, then there has to be a large picture of Leanna here. If you want to see her work, then put four small pictures of her work on the bottom of the poster, but keep Leanna as the main focus. Many guys (like me) would love to have her hanging on our walls and pay to get one of these posters. I don't think that she would sell as many if it was only a picture of her work (not that she doesn't do great work).

Leanna is the whole package. She is gorgeous and does great work. That is why she is loved so much on this site.

I've seen her do great work on valve covers and other parts, but I don't think that I would pay for posters of that to hang on my wall. But pictures of her on a poster to hang on a wall is definately man cave material. Any red blooded American male would pay to get that to put on his walls. Especiially if you put her in a bikini and heels, we would rush to get a hold of those posters like the mob swarming on Black Friday wide screen tv deals....

But if we can't get her in bikini and heels, the shorts and shirt still get our blood boiling...
I was going to try tell everyone how talented you are and post pics of all the truly intricate work you've done for me, but once again, it's your smile in number 5 that truly captivates me. How is it that such a stunning woman has such a way with metal?


So, there you go....

PS, for all those who doubt... I sent Leanna a Bosch alternator to have coated and there were zero issues putting this back together. Try that with your "yellow page powder coater". It won't happen...
BTW, I'd like to see a PSC 12 month calender. :) Damn straight I'd have that in my shop.

Wooof! lol!
Hey Leanna, I voted for #5. Your the best in the business.
So I have spent the entire afternoon looking at hi-res pics of Leannas legs. Hooray for me.

The initial proof has been submitted to the Mistress of Metal. Lets see how she likes it.
I don't know..... How about a bikini shot? :dontknow: :prayer: