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im really sorry to hear about ur kitty cat.

I lost 2 sister cats at only 8 yrs old, they both were exposed to some bad over the counter hartz flea treatment 'just before the poison alert on that product and various foods' is imo thats what destroyed their kidneys and shortened their lives.

It sickens me that companies release products that are basically poison, i would like to use the sht on them and feed them the same garbage that they feel justified in selling us.

im really sorry for any pain u and urs are going through.
Sorry to hear about this Leanna.Give it a while and then get yourself another kitty,probably the medicine.
Very sorry about your cat.

We used Hartz Flea drops for cats on our cat and in a couple of days had to rush her to the vet. At that time she was in kidney failure, I read ( I believe on this site ) not to use this brand after we used it.
I'm so sorry kiddo. My Moe is waiting to show his new friend Sox around. (He was a fetcher, also).


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Sorry Leanna about your little friend. I recently went through the same process. Prayers sent
My friend, Hemi will be keeping Sox company too.

2 years ago, this october, somebody poisoned her.


She was still very much alive in that picture (winter 2009 or so?), and loved that coat (it was my coat) so when she was dying at 3am the following fall, I made a bed out of it for her, and when she passed, I buried her in it. I can always replace a coat, but it felt appropriate to send her off with the thing she loved almost as much as me.

It still breaks my heart whenever I see a picture of her, I've yet to replace her.
With a heavy heart we pray that Sox will be welcome in Gods kingdom to make his place in his new favorite spot and be there for you as he always has been here. I hope God grants you peace in your hearts as he calls Sox to Him, and you can be assured that he will be in good hands. God bless you and Billy as well as he'll be back together with his old "buddy" Martin!! Geof and Nell
Sorry about your loss...I love cats...and dogs, grew up with em since I can remember as a little tyke. It will be a sad sad day when I lose my Fudgie cat, I've had him since he was 6 weeks old and he is a little over 4 years now. It makes me tear up when I think about him being gone...can't imagine what you're going through right now...nor do I want to right now.:) Sounds kinda pathetic but my wife says I love our animals more than her. Lol.


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Lol, yeah, actually he was the fact that I wouldn't let him go and had a camera in his face...when most people see that pic they either think he's ticked or stoned or
hay ive been there i miss my tom tom all the time ... just be with him when he goes mine just went to sleep and didnt get up so he didnt feel any thing but like i said when u put him down just pet him and love him i know who hard it is pm me if u need to talk
Sorry for your loss. I too lost my best friend a year ago last fall. I had to get another 4 months later, Dec. 23rd 2010 (gotcha day). The time will come for you too to get another best friend. They are all so unique with their personalities. I rescued "Recee" (about 14 Months old) from the dumb friends league and from day one she started picking up all her toys (milk bottle rings and 2 small stuffed animals) and I would find them in her dry food bowl every morning. I guess she thinks they get hungry too. :)
She's not spoiled, as you can see, from the 18' aspen tree in my living room.


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Thank you all for the kind heartfelt condolences ... it looks like we've all been here at some point in our lives and it's never easy.

I appreciate all the suggestions about finding a replacement, especially from a shelter. Anyone else in our shoes should hear that advice and take it under consideration. But aside from the fact that Sox could never be replaced -- they're all so unique -- anyone who knows us well could rightfully call us "those crazy cat people down the street."

Inside we still have Sox's brother Martin (the 26-pound co-Mascot on the website), Mini Mew (Billy's Russian Blue who's been with him since 1999), and Poof and her daughter Sheba (co-stars in the video below) so there's plenty of catness to love. Hard to believe this was just a few weeks ago on Christmas Day ... he deteriorated so quickly. You can see the swollen knees, wobbliness and difficulty walking straight.


But outside is a different story. With 5 1/2 acres outside of town, it's not unusual that they get dumped off or just show up from meow o'mouth from their friends. Although I'm proud to love cats, I'm more than a little embarrassed to show this photo Billy took a few evenings ago (kindly also excuse my obvious bad habit) ...

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I'm also not pulling your lariat when I tell you that this past fall, he and I constructed Greenfield's only cathouse [that I know of :-D] mostly out of leftovers from the shop tornado rebuild. This isn't just some plastic shelter made out of a Rubbermaid container either ... it's particle board, three storeys tall, wired, fully insulated, seven feet tall, six feet deep and four feet wide sitting on casters. Judging by how much fun we had rolling it from the shop after construction to its final location near the house, it's probably between five and six hundred pounds.

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Lower level ... yes, that's an electric blanket. They're spoiled rotten.

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Second floor (not shown is the dual pane Plexiglas window in the door) ...

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and the Penthouse Suite that now has black light bulbs for heat ...

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It's piled high with pads and blankets throughout. They all disappear and stay quiet after supper and I don't see them til the next morning so I'd have to guess they all love it.

Yes, I already agree that it's totally extreme. We also know that cats have successfully survived outside for millions of winters without human influence. But last winter one of the favorite loners froze to death in the field and we decided that wouldn't happen again if we could help it.

* * *

As a memorial of sorts, Sox had a few FABO appearances over the years. I think he first hit his 15 minutes of fame wearing out Mullinax's girlfriend ...

but this was a big favorite too.

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RIP my dear friend. Even with all the pussy galore (as Billy tastelessly calls it lol), you'll be sadly missed.
Sorry to see this. Mine are always more than friends, they are family. It's always tough to lose them. Prayers to you.:coffee2:
That is one heck of a cat house! Maybe you guys can come up and build a house for me??? I can see why those cats disappear overnight (they are all fighting to get the top bunk with the light bulbs).

Well with all that "pussy galore" down there, there are plenty of them for you to love up and get over Sox. It helps to share some greif with the pets. I'll bet if you watch close enough, you will see the other cats greiving with you also... My second Dalmatian missed the first one when we had to put him down last March. These animals do miss each other after living with them and bonding with them. They greive just like people.
Never gets any easier. All unique. Just like people.

Last one I had, I was 20. Now I'm almost 44 and we've had 3 for 2 years and 3 more for a year. I know they have relatively short lives, and they can be shorter, but I already know it's gonna tear me up.

Sorry to hear Leanna, I got one of our cats "Shaky" from the humane society, he has the same "wobble" symptoms. The HS said it was from his mom getting deworming meds when she was pregnant with him. No other health issues other than that. Normal as a cat can be, but staggers like he is drunk all the time!! LOL
Oh by the way is the "obvious bad habit" you waiting for the poop in the pic?? LOL. Trying to help lighten the mood...all the best thru this. Love the pic with the tongue hangin out too!
Sorry to hear,Leanna.My condolances.Have had 4 Siamese kittys,and three generations of black schnauzers in my lifetime.I do truly understand,and my best wishes.
Leanna you are the Queen of "Kitty City"! I can see you have lots of little ones to help you through your grieving process.
Thanks for helping all those little guys Leanna.
I guess I'm a cat guy.
Nothing against dogs. I've had em, and love them too.
It just seems like cats get more of a raw deal on the planet.
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "I hate dogs", but I've lost count of how many times I've heard that about cats.