PT got tagged



Mopar Or No Car
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
Springfield, Oregon
A friend of mine came over this morning. I looked out and saw that someone had sprayed painted PT on the p/s of her car. Well, we went down and took a closer lok and they also got the tail lights, the rear hatch and the lic. plate. We were able to remove it with baking soda and water. Then we took it down to the shop and I buffed it all out. So now it is looking good as new.
Personaly i would like to of caught him in the act, and then taken him out to some gravel road, and drug him for about 5 miles. Might make him think before he did it again.

If it's young kids they may be back for more....keep your eye's on it for awhile and your runners close by.

A wise man said...
If ya see a kid walking down the street, stop the car, get out and kick him in the ***, because....he's either out looking for trouble or returning from it! :evil2:
That sucks, but at least it was fixable. My house used to get egged by some wieners who didnt like me, like everynight for 2 weeks. My dad was pretty mad and sat outside every weekend for like 2 months. He probably wouldve killed them if he caught them.
And one of the biggest problem is with all the budget cuts, the cops won't even come out for something a small of a deal like this, And the kids these days know it.