Public Apology... :l

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Gilroy, Ca
Said some words last night that were inappropriate...The thread got deleted shortly after it was created. I was having a rough day/horrible night and was far from sober... Glad I made it home safe with no DUI, or wrecks. Anyways...I am sorry. Thanks to some of you who responded while the thread was there...good lookin out......

I'm glad your alright James!

Proud of ya for stepping up about it too buddy.

Now let's start seeing some progress on that 318!
Hey man, we all have rough days. Eating crow is best the day after and not 2 weeks later.

Glad you made it home safe.

Now update your build thread damn it! I need my fix for today... :toothy10:
thank you guys...all of ya..... for caring.....means alot....Im lucky to be here and am proud to call you guys my friends...

I was the MOD that looked after the thread, it was reported to me. When I read it, I was like, OK, he ment to text this message to someone, no harm, no foul. Being that this looked like what I described it as and not to mention that you are normally NEVER like that! I just moved it to the trash can.

Not to worry. Your thread here today explaining yourself is really nice and stand up. Thanks.

Again, no worries, no harm, no foul. Glad your home safe and sound. Chow for now, Rob
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