public apology

Well, I missed it, and glad for that. Public apologies are rare, especially in the car world. As I read the thread, with no idea what started the original kerfluffle, I was only hoping that we hadn't seen the last of Rani. When she posted her reply, it showed what she's made of. Those folks who apologized also showed class in 'fessin' up.

It's truly sad that sexism, racism and lots of other "ism"s are still with us. Unfortunately, it takes years - perhaps generations for those rotten and hurtful ideas to fade away. They aren't magically destroyed by any rule or law. Political correctness and zero tolerance won't do it. The second best thing to never saying anything hurtful is to have the ability to recognize the mistake and make amends.

Congrats to all who have done so.


From what I gather, this is about the PM inbox thread....

I did have a hand in that, but cannot recall what I posted. I did not mean any disrespect or offense at all, if any was taken.

And if it wasn't about the inbox thread and was some other thread I missed, still I mean no disrespect with any of my threads... When I get angry to the point of wanting to cause disrespect or offense, you will know it......... I'm crass like that. :)

.....and i have since PM'd Rani to apologize.....
Doesn't that sort of defeat the original purpose of the thread (that she was trying to clean out her inbox)? X)

- CK
Hey Tom...
Thanks for the comment on my vert.
No sarcasm whatsoever- to you or anyone on this site.
I totally agree with you that a lot of people would post/talk differently on the internet if the person was right around the corner or if they may run into them sometime. I despise liars, cheaters, and back-stabbers.
These so called "public apology" threads just make things worse.

They keep the issue alive and bring people into it that were never part of or knew about the situation.

And for the damaged party...... The one being apologized to, not only do they have the original issue, now they get to watch everyone talk about it for days.....

If you need to apologies, do it privately and allow the drama to die.