Pulley Alignment

Description below. And it will not matter that this is a 318 at all? Really appreciate all the help.

They are all supposed to be pictures of the same set, ha ha. Is there anywhere that sells them new so I know I am buying the right ones?
Spaced it, got it this close. And it still whines with a brand new alternator.

Spaced it, got it this close. And it still whines with a brand new alternator.
The pulleys are certainly close enough now to not bother the V-belt. Did you try spinning the alternator when the belt was off? That can often determine if the shaft bearings are bad, though they might only whine under a load. Yes, newly rebuilt alternators can be bad right out of the box. Apparently most aren't tested. A new alternator should have good bearings, but if from China (many new parts today), even that isn't assured. Try spraying water on the belt while running, and if the whine goes away it was the belt (see youtube by Gates). If not tight enough, it may squeal from slipping when the alternator is outputting.
Just tried the water bottle spraying on it. DoeS not go away.
I did spin the Alternator by hand before installing. No noise. Never been used or installed before. 1st fire the whine was present immediately. Could I have the wrong belt? Would a belt with too much tension automatically destroy bearings and create such a whine?

Also, got pulleys and the bracket coming. When searching to buy a new belt online can I just buy one for a 273 and be safe in size?

Am I going to have to get a single groove alternator for these new pulleys?
So I just fired the Barracuda up and the noise is gone. ?? Gonna drive it a bit and will report back. Very odd....