Purchasing a car from Canada....what are the



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Irwin, PA
problems or run ins one might expect? And for the state of Pennsylvania.
Call up customs ... they will give you everything you need to know ... You do not want 2nd hand info on this one,.... or else you will be sitting a boarder with a new car and *(*( in your hand ...
If its older then 25 years, it makes it easier. The older the better, the internet has lots of info. Sometimes the car needs a few things to bring it up to the code of that year since Canada and the USA used to have different standards.
Call up customs ... they will give you everything you need to know ... You do not want 2nd hand info on this one,.... or else you will be sitting a boarder with a new car and *(*( in your hand ...

X2..........as WELL AS your home state DMV. What Canada calls registration and title may hold a completely different meaning in the U.S. and your state.

Be careful what you do and don't tell the border people---they are NOT your friends.
rust, cracked block from freezing, snow stuck in every nook and cranny....

oh you don't mean those kind of problems:D
Title will be the main issue. Canadian jurisdictions typically use vehicle registration as proof of ownership. Check your state laws, but there usually are procedures in place. I sold a vehicle out of Manitoba to a gent in Detroit a few years back. No problems that I recall. Keep in mind that Canadian vehicle may have come from the states previously. I have Texas titles for my Barracudas.
Which province is it coming from?? Are you trusting of the seller?? I have never sold to the states, but have bought from them. Shouldnt be an issue, other than having the ownership signed over to you, as well you may have to buy a UVIP(used vehicle info pkg). We have to do that in Ontario when the vehicle changes ownership.
If you need any help from one of us, there are plenty of FABO members up here who I am sure would be more than happy to assist with anything, just ask!

I have only imported to Canada, not from Canada, and as long as you follow all the rules you shouldn't have a problem. As was stated, your home state, USA customs, and perhaps even Canadian customs will all have separate requirements so contact each one of them. Coming North, when a car leaves the States, US customs needs a copy of the title and bill of sale 48 hours prior to the car crossing the border, I assume so that they can ensure the car has no money owing or liens on it, and that it is not stolen. I would think Canada customs might have a similar rule.
Thanks to all for the help, suggestions and ideas. Fly up and back yesterday with a friend to look at both cars this person had. We fly into Montreal and they picked us up. And drove us around for the day, GREAT PEOPLE.
We both went over the cars really well. The cars are nice but not what not up to what I was looking for. So it will be a pass on the cars.
Thanks to all again. JB
I was thinking the same thing. lol
Aren't most of the cars from up north a bit on the rusty side?
my Duster came from the maritimes, and it needed extensive rust repair when it was redone by a previous owner...in 1980!

Then again, my brother recently sold a Demon (also a '72, I believe) and it didn't have a speck of rust on it, and neither do the three 1st gen Barracudas he still has. So rust-free ones are still up here. Somewhere:D