Put my car in a car show yesterday... Was not as fun as I thought it would be



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Jul 2, 2012
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After battling a cooling issue all summer, I was finally able to drive my car in to work a few days this week. I figured it would be a good test considering it is an hour (at highway speed) both directions. It did fantastic! It ran great, it stayed just a tick above 180 the entire time... except when I would get stuck in traffic. It even shifted fantastic!

I decided to hit up a (kinda) local car show. This was the first time that I have ever actually been IN a car show. It was about 30 minutes away from my work and at that time of day... I got stuck in traffic. When I got there it was ready to boil over.

I kept my hood closed and let it cool off while a good friend of mine and I walked around and looked the show over. We noticed there were a hand full (about 6) other cars that overheated just like mine.

Once my car cooled off I opened my hood and we went to get something to eat. When we came back there was a guy and his two sons looking at my car. Which was great! I love the idea of the younger generations getting in to the older muscle cars.

I was going to say Hi to them until the teenager said, "Well, I am going to make mine look nicer". :lurk:

All I could think was, Really? I didn't say anything to them. We got some water out of the trunk and left. No one that I saw ever really looked my car over or really seemed that interested in it. Now granted, I wasnt having the best of days but, I can't see myself putting it in another car show:wack:



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Just need to take it to a Mopar show.I do not go to many non Mopar shows unless the show is really big like GoodGuy's.I would not let some kid piss me off,he is just young and dumb.Once the kid figures out how much it cost to buy and redo these cars his car may not be so nice...LOL
You know if you go to a car show or races.There are people there that take that stuff way to serious.I mean waaay to serious.I go just for fun and excitement.I cannot sleep the nite before if going to track next day.I am 60.Dont let this experience bother you.Load up and go.Getting there is half the fun! Kevin.
There were 131 vehicles in the last show I attended. I know my ride isn't going to draw the attention that some others would. I go to see more than show anyway.
Funny to me was how the car beside me got so much attention and why... This was a black 66 or 67 Mustang. The girl had a big bright pink stripe painted down the side, pink accents all about its black interior and even the engine block was painted pink.
I don't want or need attention from the general public bad enough to do those sort of things to my car. If you do, you're going to need something to draw attention. Loud paint, loud speakers, loud pipes, something.
I put my 'net in one show.


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"Well, I am going to make mine look nicer". and then they went over and got into their 2012 sedan and drove off into the sunset! Don't let that bother you, there is a good chance they didn't know what they were looking at. From the pic you posted you have a car to be proud of, most people have not a clue about how much work it takes to get a classic to that point. I have a 72 Demon 340 that I feel is very clean, Most people at shows feel the same way but you have a few that just have to make a comment like "what is that mark over there" or "My cousins neighbors friend has one of these but it's nicer than yours". You did the right thing by ignoring the comment. Be PROUD of your car you have every right too it's a classic! Remember every one of our cars is a " Work in Progress".
My old wreck is often the only one without shiny paint. lol Sometimes I get out my chair and hang around my car to hear the "remember when" stories and to answer questions and often my Dart attracts as much attention as the over done cars. Other times I park, pop the hood, and walk away to see the other cars or swap meet. GTS suggested a all Mopar show and that's a great idea. Most of the spectators there are Moparheads and respect your car as it is. tmm
Just need to take it to a Mopar show.I do not go to many non Mopar shows unless the show is really big like GoodGuy's.I would not let some kid piss me off,he is just young and dumb.Once the kid figures out how much it cost to buy and redo these cars his car may not be so nice...LOL

X2........ this kid probably has no clue whatsoever, what it takes to build/buy something nice....... so in my mind, I would'nt let some teenage know it all, ruin my day at a car show. At least your car is up and running down the roads these days, it more than I have right know! Just enjoy your time going to shows, just understand, that you have to sometime pick and choose the ones you want to attend, as alot of the shows have groups of clic type people, and they only associate within their group!! Go have fun.... and keep your head up!
My daughter made a comment about a pretty beat up car in a show once. I told her that the next time she sees the car it may have new seats, or a paint job, or new wheels. All cars are projects and the fun thing about shows is seeing the progression.

My car looks good from 20 feet, but I need a paint job badly. Chipping paint, scratches, etc.. I put all my money in the motor, transmission and rear end. I go to a lot of car shows and a lot of people look at my car. I get good and bad comments, but I go to the shows to see the other cars and also to get ideas for my car. I don't ever expect much for my car, though I have been surprised with plaques on two occasions. I just go to have a good time.
Been there, done that! It used to tick me off that when parked next to a POS rusted out 73 Challenger that got more notice from kids than my pristine, fully restored GTX because the kids know what a Challenger is but never heard of a GTX (or even a Road Runner). Sometimes kids see the cartoon window clings of the Road Runner and Wyle E. Coyote on my rear side windows and notice that, but could care less about the actual car. Fair enough. But then their parents drool all over the dirty and unrestored junkstang parked next to me. I had to remind myself that if everyone liked my kind of cars, then we'd have to pay a fortune to buy them ourselves.

I don't go to many generic shows because of negative comments from Chevy and Ford nitpickers. I do love all Mopar shows because we "get it"!
We have 2 cruise nights every week here in town at 2 different drive in's. There's a bunch of 2000 & later Mustangs ect and at best only a hand full of Mopars. Sometimes I'm the only one there. But the way I look at it is, this is one reason why we have these cars. It's a destination and somewhere to meet other folks who have the same hobby.
Do I like all of the other cars there? No, not really. Is mine the nicest car there? Hell no! But I keep it to myself.
Don't let one persons comment ruin your fun. Go out and enjoy your car!!!


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If your car is close to original you have to answer all of the is that the way it came questions, if it is modifyied you get to answer all of the why did you do that questions, I've had my 68 since 1980 and it has been in different states of repair since then and since 1987 I have only put gas and oil in it. Yes I know it is a 318 car but yes I did have a 340 and Yes it is in it, Yes I do know that the front is a 1969 and the back is a 1968 like I said I have owned and driven this car since 1980 and my best responce to any question is WHERE IS YOUR CAR LETS LOOK AT IT?



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You have to remember that you are driving a mopar when you go to shows. Almost every time a chev or ford will win because they are not a mopar. I agree that mopar shows are more fun because you will be with people that appreciate a mopar. My car is not a show car, but I go to all shows knowing that I will not win because I drive a mopar. Like was said, enjoy the drive and don't let the haters bother you.
I don't go to many car shows anymore, I have taken my 59 Suburban to some local, it gets a couple looks but, not too many. It is not as well know and camaros, mustangs, 55-57 chevs, but it is always the only one there! It was "restored" to a lot better condition than I have ever gotten my Barracuda to but it is not a cool muscle car so people overlook it. As was stated above, I go to look at other cars, and get some ideas for my cars. Don't worry about what someone says about yours, each one of us has a different life which means different amounts of money, time, skills, creativity etc. to put into our cars!
At the Mopar Nats Bad Little Red entered his outstanding Red on Red on Red Duster and didn't get any kudos so we made him a special trophy!


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Yep, don't sweat the small stuff. For my family and I, cars shows/cruise nights are as much about checking out other cars and meeting other car people as showing off our old (not finished :D) Duster. More often than not, we're the only duster there. Not having any badging on it yet often gets folks looking to try and figure out what it is LOL.

Get that sweet ride of yours out there and enjoy!


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I don't go to shows very often, they are boring. I have found the mopar only ones are the worst for snotty attitudes.
I go to car shows mostly to look and enjoy time spent with other gearheads and people who remember the cars and times they had in them. Why most people think a car show is boring or not worth their time is beyond me. Go and have FUN or stay home keep your bitchin' to yourself and your unfortunate family. By the way, maybe that kid wanted something to be proud of and set his goal high!
hey Weak440, don't let that discourage you from shows and don't let what people say get to you. My son and I are at a show almost every weekend somewhere. My Duster is finished and his Dart Sport is in primer. But the fun thing of it is he almost always gets more attention with his car than I do. BECAUSE it is not done. people can see what the process is. Every time I look in the mirror I see him following me everywhere I go. That's cool. here are pics of a show we attended a couple of weeks ago. My oldest boy even entered his silver pickup in this one. I received best in class and he got best unfinished. If you look at the underside of the hood it is painted yellow. That is the color it will be in a couple of months. Don't let people who probably don't even know what kind of car it is get to you. Most of the time people look at my sons Dart Sport and say " there's another Duster" because they are parked next to each other.


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Car shows are almost always run by a "click" of guys, Local shows for sure. In my town that has several each yea,, Same Guys cars win every time.Don't matter how many cars show up. I'm going today,"Guaranteee" Leo's 55 Chevy will win something,a car that he bought turn key and don't know a hammer from a screwdriver.
You will always have some negitive comment from someone about your car. Just let it go in one ear and out the other.And don't forget to smile.And then my responce is "You know ,, I think your right !" Usually stops them dead in their tracks.
You bring your car to a show for people to look at....and are unhappy because of a comment that was said?? If you did not want others to judge it then why bring it? Are you one of the folks that have troubles when someone voices an opinion that is different than yours? Sure looks that way to me....
You guys are commenting on shows right ???? Big difference between shows that you usually pay to get into and sit around all day to compete for 2 pounds of plastic, or a cruise where it's a lot more laid back and you usually meet up with friends.
yep, like everyone says don't sweat it. you could pull in with a car that one autorama and someone will come along and nit pick it. i found the most fun i have with my car is at the drag strip, you don't get the stupid comments and everyone is there to do the same thing with there cars, run the snot out of em. it seems like when i go to a cruise everybody there want to tell me how much faster there car is, funny thing is when i say lets put some skin on it, i never have any takers... :bs: i really get tired of the lawn chair racers.