put my stripes on today



Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
detroit area
I put my red 340 stripes on today. Actually was a lot easier than i thought it'd be. And no, I don't have any pictures yet. It seems my son "borrowed" my digital camera when he went back to school at easter. He's coming home saturday and he had better have it with him. "Gee, I thought I told you I was taking it." "If you told me I would have known where my camera was." Kids!!!!! The stripes really make the car stand out. Hopefully I'll get pics posted by sunday.
I'm thinking about the Strip kit as well. You mentioned it wasn't that difficult to put on. Would love to see some pictures when you get your camera back.


After the guy put them on the dart sport it made a WORLD of difference...looked like a whole new car.
they have sticky on the back. the trick is to use a solution that you can get at an auto paint store. It allows you to move/remove the stripes until you get them where you want them. then you just squeege the solution out and you're done. Only took 1 1/2 hours to put all 6 pieces on the duster. A little scary at first (hadn't done anything like this before) but really not bad. By the time I was done, I was ready to do more cars. LOL.
Can't wait to see your car with stripes.
Glad they went on with out any problem's.
I had a good digital camera! but the wife and kids
keep it so busy I went out and pick up a cheep one.
Kids!! I know what you mean.
when my son was being sneaky and absconding with my camera he took what he thought was the cable to connect with the computer. But instead he took the one for my daughter's camera (a cheapie). So she has a camera but cant download anything without the cable, while I don't have a camera but I do have my cable ( which doesn't fit her camera). All three of us are inconvenienced due to "Mr. Sneaky".
Well it looks like you still control the camera :toothy7: