puzzles are white hot now!



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Amazon reported the 2nd most popular search item were puzzles. In laws gave us this monster: 2000 pieces and 34x42" completed size. Check out the KH recall wheels still on the Daytona! so far its laid out on our dinner table AND a folding card table next to it...

were gonna throw the tablecloth over it and have Easter meal right on top of it. Cant move it.....
When I was very young my Great Grandmother, who had two of her sons living on the homestead, had MANY, perhaps over a hundred puzzles, BIG zigsaw puzzles, as well as all kinds of books. "Back in the day" various libraries across the nation would see unwanted books "grab bag" in quantity for very little money.

The sad end to this is she died, and one of the brothers fell in love and wanted to get married. So Uncle Wayne bought out Uncle Maynon, and Wayne and his new wife Kate lived on the homestead. Then Wayne got terminal cancer and died. Mom and my Aunt went out to see Kate while she was cleaning out the house.........to sell........and here was Kate in the living room

She had found that Great Gramma hid money. So she was opening the puzzles, looking for hidden money, and then just dumping them into a huge pile on the floor, books and puzzles alike. I'm sure it all got burned. This would have been around?? 1961--1962 after Wayne died.
When I was very young my Great Grandmother, who had two of her sons living on the homestead, had MANY, perhaps over a hundred puzzles, BIG zigsaw puzzles, as well as all kinds of books. "Back in the day" various libraries across the nation would see unwanted books "grab bag" in quantity for very little money.

The sad end to this is she died, and one of the brothers fell in love and wanted to get married. So Uncle Wayne bought out Uncle Maynon, and Wayne and his new wife Kate lived on the homestead. Then Wayne got terminal cancer and died. Mom and my Aunt went out to see Kate while she was cleaning out the house.........to sell........and here was Kate in the living room

She had found that Great Gramma hid money. So she was opening the puzzles, looking for hidden money, and then just dumping them into a huge pile on the floor, books and puzzles alike. I'm sure it all got burned. This would have been around?? 1961--1962 after Wayne died.
My grandmother had ‘hid’ money, banks made people turn in their gold coins and then gold increases in value, banks were always forclosing on people’s land-no one trusted them.

Aunt Ann and aunt Susan tore apart and dumped grandma’s life savings of school supplies (30+ years a teacher) and threw it into a long dumpster. Grandma’s heart would have been broken if she saw that.

people in my family that had always, and now again behave with respect, dignity, and honor just acting like looters with my beloved grand parents stuff.

it makes me trust people less and less. Whatever happened to reverence for your family and parents?
Money, or at lest the expectation of money, changes people. I have seen it so often it's sickening. My ex-wife's family was a perfect example, when her mother died of cancer, the vultures were at the door before she was even cold. The oldest daughter, who had not spoken to her mother in over 20 years was suddenly completely heartbroken at her passing. I call bullshit, the other two were no better, my then wife was the only one who wasn't looking for her share immediately, yet she was the only one who took the time to visit her mom every day, often twice a day for months before she died. My own family, much the same, my sister had not spoken with my father for 30 years, yet as soon as she heard he'd died, she was on a plane back home, looking for her share of his estate, oldest brother, who had power of attorney, had rarely talked to him in more than 20 years, was now crushed at the loss, and since I called him out for his asinine behavior, he will no longer have any contact with me, going on 5 years now, yet we used to be really close. The one most hurt by his ignorance is my mother, but he is too self righteous to care.
I do not have the patience or IQ to do puzzles lol I get bored with them pretty much instantly.
This puzzle is cool, as you can pretty much tell where any piece goes by looking at the piece. I laid out a grid om the table so I know here each piece sort of goes, but there is a lot of pure black so those pieces are very difficult to place. Still working on it a few minutes every hour. Its best when all 4 of us are around it chatting it up and asking for eyes on critical pieces. 3 of the cars are very close in color so that makes it even more difficult.
We just finished this 1000 piece puzzle. Not sure which one is next. My wife has a dozen more in her collection of them. She buys them during the year when she finds interesting ones and then brings them out in the Winter to enjoy doing while the weather is crappy outside.

We probably have 30 puzzles. We do pretty good with them. We are on number 5 so far. Working on a postage stamp one right now.



empty..im still working on this damn puzzle! Too many black pieces....And they are totally random shapes, some dont even interlock but just butt up against each other using surrounding pieces to keep them together. HArd stuff!