Question about speedo cable on a 1973 Dart.



Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2023
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For a '73 Dart, does the speedometer cable pull off or does it screw on/off? I'm trying to keep from breaking it. Thanks.

BTW, I just need to replace the voltage limiter. Will I need to remove the cable to gain access to limiter, or will I gain enough clearance when pulling the Instrument cluster outward?
It should be a clip holding it on . press the release and pull

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 12.48.45 PM.png
My other problem I didn't address is that my hands are very large and it's not easy to reach up there.
You should have enough slack to unscrew and pull the cluster forward a little to get your hand back there. Pretty sure you will also have to drop the column to let the cluster have enough room to be removed
The cluster will come out without dropping the column.

You (might) be able to get it out far enough to disconnect the cable, but I doubt it.

You might be able to disconnect at the trans first and give more slack, but if I remember you are going to need to tilt the cluster toward you to actually get it out, and the connected cable won’t like that one bit.
Thanks all. Once I knew there was a clip to press it was a breeze. It was oriented in a way where I couldn't see it......I had to feel for it. The hardest part was removing the round circuit board connector. I really had to work at it. Is there an easier way that I just don't know about?