I can't help you but, I just wanna say this;
Yeah the government has to know everything about everything, just for the sake of who knows why, unless it's just to keep some otherwise unemployable person busy with paperwork.
It's like I can sell my car to my neighbor. But if I don't supply my neighbor with a T.O.D. (Transfer of Ownership Document), he cannot register or insure it. ....... until he applys, pays for, and receives an itty-bitty piece of paper from the government, which authorizes him to.
Now, If I inherit a car from my Dead Father, we have a problem. The TOD may be in the car, but it's no good without a signature. ....... even tho dear old Pops is dead. If I sign it, even as executor of the estate, and the government finds out about it, I'm in deep doggie doo-doo. So you gotta jump thru the hoops. Lesson learned, I now always register any vehicle in my possession in TWO names, jointly with my wife, AND if I go on a trip, I sign the daymn TOD before I leave..... you know just in case we both die out on the road.
Sure anybody can pencil in their name as the transferee, but ask me if I care, lol, cuz I'll be dead! And the daymn government can't make any coin off my dead body! Well in this case anyway.
Good luck in your quest.