Question for Vets...



Master ACME Tech
Mar 12, 2006
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To my fellow vets,
Just a quick opinion from ya'll. Got a kid in my shop who just got a tattoo on his upper arm of an american flag (which is cool). The part that is bugging me is under the flag is a full on set of sergeant stripes. He has never served nor intends to. He says he added them because they looked cool.

Am I off base by being bothered by this?
well considering ive never served i would find it wrong because he didn't earn them...
I personally find it an insult . Several years ago , a kid had a jacket full of ribbons and patches from an Army / navy surplus store on his jacket , an old greasy denim one , they were all over it with no order , just random throw -them on fashion . Told him if I saw it again , I'd burn it with him still wearing it . I'm a former Navy SEAL , and I like the armed forces to be respected . End of sentence !!!
I certainly find it offensive. I never did much of any importance in my six years in the Navy. I maintained GCA RADAR and TACAN, and was never in combat.

I've also seen various people over the years wearing old uniforms, and never really could say I "liked" it.
You can't teach a kid respect. I am Staff Sergent in the Army I am currently deployed overseas for a certain counrty closeout. If the dumbass put strips on his arm and does not understand the meaning he is going to spend the rest of is life explaining it to people, and piss more people off then anything because the only people that are going to ask, are going to be people related to the military. I would be mad about it, but everyday I get some new kid in and he or she seems to be a little more less disiplined last. Teach him if he will listen about what those Stripes mean I wear mine with pride it took me 5 years to make sergent 8 to make Staff Sergent I have 11 years in now and do not intend to quit. If he doesnt listen now. He will understand later in life what a doumbass he was.
Told him if I saw it again , I'd burn it with him still wearing it . I'm a former Navy SEAL , and I like the armed forces to be respected . End of sentence !!!

As a former Ranger and a former NCO i'd tell the kid he could have it removed with a lazer or i'd cut it off of him Sons of Anarchy style...
If he wanted a tattoo like that - he should have enlisted. Trying to look cool sometimes makes a person look stupid. He should avoid trying to socialize with real "vets" . Appreciate his patriotism but he's out of rank. US Army (Ret)
When I was in the Navy when you received a chevron you got what is called "Frocked" by everyone senior to you in your squadron or command. Meaning a free shot "punch" in your right shoulder. Some guys would not hold back, I know I didn't. By the end of the day you could not move your right arm at all. LOL.

I personally think that what he is doing is disrespectful to the men and women who have served.
When I was in the Navy when you received a chevron you got what is called "Frocked" by everyone senior to you in your squadron or command. Meaning a free shot "punch" in your right shoulder. Some guys would not hold back, I know I didn't. By the end of the day you could not move your right arm at all. LOL.

I personally think that what he is doing is disrespectful to the men and women who have served.

In the army it was using your fists to pound in the rank into the chest without the dammits on the back. On the BDU's it sucked, put the rank right at the collar bone lol. Good thing promotions were done on Fridays....
In the army it was using your fists to pound in the rank into the chest without the dammits on the back. On the BDU's it sucked, put the rank right at the collar bone lol. Good thing promotions were done on Fridays....

I remember the times I was promoted all too well, now they have sew on rank... lol And the one that pisses me off the most and is a lack of discipline is no shine boots. I hated the new uniforms when I got out and went Reserve a few years later. As far as some doober with chevrons tatted I'd probably question him about it and if I felt he was getting wise I'd prob beat his as. He is of age after all...
You're not off base at all Rev, not much more I can say that hasn't already been said. One thing is for sure, he will regret it even more than it pisses us off...
My Son is a Iraq Veteran and he has a pair of dog tags tattooed on his fore arm in remembrance of his 2 best friends were killed while he was there. I have no problem with it since he is a Vet. But a non vet should have it burned off with a laser.
Alright, give the poor kid some slack, he can still do the right thing & enlist. I'm certain he'd be the center of attention in basic training with those stripes. #-o
Even not being in the military/vet I find that offensive. Those stripes represent someone who had more balls to put in the time and sacrifice then someone like me. I have the utmost respect for ANYONE serving our country and to see someone trying to cheapen the significance of wearing the stripes that someone else had truly earned just for the sake of it "looking cool" bothers me as well.
Yep, It is BS he had that that tattooed on his arm. He should earn it the old fasion way like the rest of us.

I'm sure the Marines remeber when they earned their blood stripes!

I saw a kid getting a tattoo of soldier across his back. I said who are you with and he looked at me puzzled. Well he just enlisted into the National Guard and was going to boot camp in a few month. I said good luck with that tattoo!

Semper Fi!
When I was in Navy boot, there was a short little Chief "sub sailer" that had big huge long ornate "barn door" hinges tattooed on the backs of his elbows, so when you were behind him in short sleeves, his elbows "hinged."

Ya had to wonder what sort of drunk night in what port that went down
What can you say.... the twit doesn't have a clue. This won't be received well by anyone who has served. My bet is he's going to get his *** beat to a pulp someday when he mouths off to an inquiry from a less than tolerant vet. One things for sure - all his online war game buddies will think he's the shiznit. Sure these games are fun but they make what in reality is a horrific experience into play time. If any of these kids ever had a real bullet zip past their ear they would be cleaning out their panties with an entrenching tool.
He has no right to those stripes as he never earned them. I'm proud of the three stripes I earned when I was in.
I think maybe it's time he gets busted down in rank.
ok lots of talk about the kid for getting the tattoo
but what about the person who did the tattoo?
And the one that pisses me off the most and is a lack of discipline is no shine boots. QUOTE]

Shined my boots a few times when I was in. No real point as about two minutes of working on the aircraft messed them all up. That non stick paint they put down was hell on boot polish.

But as to the topic. It bothers me that some one would do that.
You have to go through a right of passage to weare some thing like that. It was a proud day for me when I made E4. My arm hurt like hell but I loved every minute of it. Could of made E5 in less than 4 years but I missed it buy less than a half a point#-o
Sarge- as a former E-5 (11B50) with some time at Hood when the 2AD was there. I kinda feel that I put my time in so some dumb *** kid could do stupid s$@t here at home. Poor judgement on his part and he'll probably never understand what freedom to be stupid means or who paid for it for him or what they did to pay for it. My thoughts 75Sport