quit smoking



Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
butler mo.
I don't post much on here, but I got something to brag about. Quit smoking last sunday, been 5 days now, still tough but getting easier. Strange thing is I really hadn't been thinking about quitting. I took my elderly parents to the casino riverboat last sunday. We went to eat where there's no smoking & when we came out to go back in the casino, the odor of all those cigarettes just disgusted me. So I quit cold turkey, been 5 days now & I'm really liking it already feel better, can smell things I didn't smell before & I feel like I've got more energy. I plan on stickin it out I haven't felt this good in a long time. Thanks for readin my little rant.
good luck!!

I work with a few guys that smoke, and they have no idea how bad they stink
way to go.keep it up. quit cold turkey 8 years ago after smoking 30 years. beef jerky helps. it keeps the hand and mouth buzy. good luck.
Good for you! I quit almost two years ago and it only gets better for you. You'll feel better and have more $ to spend on your Mopar. Here is a link that makes tracking your quit time more fun. Wow! I've saved over $2000 by not buying cigarettes.

Thats GREAT I QUIT over 3 years ago. Now i fwe can just get MEMIKE back on the wagon.LOL
I used Whyquit.com
I am back on the wagon 66aCUDA, And congrat's to you junkaholic:cheers:
I was doing good and could smell the nasty shtuff after a 10 day cut down.
I went about 3 to 4 days with out one toward the end and mother nature
dumped a ice storm on me and my family and I picked them back up.:angry7:
Things are about back to normal here know and I still have the pack of smokes I bought Tuesday and I just counted 6 cigarettes in the pack.
I will get this behind me, How long did you smoke junkaholic ?
Good for you. I have never smoked, but I understand it must be extremely hard to quit.
I quit serious drinking but I can't stop the cigars. Saw once on a documentary that ****** addicts said dope was easier to quit than smoking. Hope you stay non-smoking.
I just turned 50 and I've smoked since i was in school, quit a few times chewed skoal for a few years. I really want it to be over this time, somethings different like I just know I'm gonna do it. Really tough tonite though, I want one bad!!! I'm using the rubber band method, put a nice fat postal rubber band around your wrist & everytime you want a cigarette, just stretch that old rubber band out and give yourself a big pop. It trains your brain to equate pain with wanting a cigarette, It seems to be working though my wrist is kinda red. As Joe Dirt says just keep on keeping on !!
Good stuff, keep fighting it, don't ever give in to just one...
I've been smoke free for over a year now, I'm finding more free time to do things, simply getting more accomplished with both hands.

All the best.
i quit 10 years ago ,used the patch, only got to the second stage couldn't stand having the thing on.
good luck its a hard quit, don't be disapointed if you fall once or twice.
i tried to quit probably 10 times before i made it. if you dont quit cold turkey you havent quit