R.I.P. Hostess snacks

Does this mean no more Hostess Cheery pies :banghead: engoyed my far share of these heated and covered with ice cream :shock:
last i heard it was up for sale
we should pass the hat around and see if FABO cant buy the twinkies factory ;)
Oh bummer! Thank God for Little Debbie ... comparable quality goodies at a better price. I've always got a box of their Donut Sticks and English Walnut Brownies on my counter. Their new Chocolate Cupcakes kick it too. Still sad to see an American icon going the way of too many corporations these days.
Interesting to see what a box of Twinkies will be going for on eBag in the next couple of days as the store shelves are emptied. And what are we going to survive on after a nuclear holocaust or zombie apocalypse now?

Edit: It has already started. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hostess-Twinkies-/190755669452?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c69ec85cc
Edit 2: This one is even worse: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Box-of-Twin...889?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item416e5ef811
Edit 3: Are you f'ing kidding me??? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Single-Twinkies-/221154337629?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item337dd3635d
Ya gotta wonder about a company that names it's food Twinkies, Ho-Ho's, and Ding Dongs. What was the board of directors smoking back then? :thumbup: :headbang:

That's pretty obvious Graham. At least they had something good to munch on afterwards. :-D

Don't forget, it's Puff Puff Passssssssssssss
I heard that the right to some of the popular items such as Twinkies will be sold to other similar type companies, so they will live on but under a different brand. Some of the fat fix lives on :D
I heard that the right to some of the popular items such as Twinkies will be sold to other similar type companies, so they will live on but under a different brand. Some of the fat fix lives on :D

This is where we as a group, as diymirage mentioned previously, need to pool our resources and buy the Twinkies recipe. Can you imagine? FABO Brand Twinkies!:hello1::hello1::hello1:
I heard that the right to some of the popular items such as Twinkies will be sold to other similar type companies, so they will live on but under a different brand. Some of the fat fix lives on :D

yes exactly, hostess will be gone but most of the products will live on.
This is where we as a group, as diymirage mentioned previously, need to pool our resources and buy the Twinkies recipe. Can you imagine? FABO Brand Twinkies!:hello1::hello1::hello1:
twinkies shaped like little mopars...........hmmmm
They will sell out to others or close and reopen as a new company that does not have union workers.....To much money to be made by not doing one of those options
Most of Hostess's 18,500 jobs are on the line. http://hostessbrands.info/

"In addition to dozens of baking and distribution facilities around the country, Hostess Brands will sell its popular brands, including Hostess®, Drakes® and Dolly Madison®, which make iconic cake products such as Twinkies®, CupCakes, Ding Dongs®, Ho Ho’s®, Sno Balls® and Donettes®. Bread brands to be sold include Wonder®, Nature’s Pride ®, Merita®, Home Pride®, Butternut®, and Beefsteak®, among others."
That's horrible, I used to go to the hostess thrift store and get outdated and about to be outdated snacks. All the hostess goodness I could fit in a truck or on a trailer for $15. Sometimes I'd get 15 trashbags full of stuff. I'd bring it to work and give it away by the case. (maybe sales were down cause everyone was gettin free stuff ooops) When my son was still in hs he'd bring backpacks full in and sell them to his friends.
That reminds me of this.


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We had one of their factories here in Columbus. 200+ folks worked
there. It started out as Sap's Bakery (locals owned it) many years ago.

Each Junior or Senior CHS class took a tour through Saps Bakery at some point during the school year. Warm donuts passing along on conveyor lines were iced, glazed, and sometimes eaten during the process. Saps is now home to Dolly Madison.
We have a factory just down the road in Henderson Nevada,Been there for years,300 jobs lost............