R I P Loki

Sorry to hear,I lost my 17 yr old buddy Freeway to a stroke a few yrs ago.I adopted another cat(smokey)and he,s filling the void from the loss of my other cat.funny how he,s picked up the exact same traits.
Sorry for your loss. Never realize how much a part of our lives the "kids" become.
I am so sorry to read this and can relate to your pain. This Spring hasn't been kind to our herd either. RIP Loki ...
Sorry to hear of your loss of a great friend. I was never a cat person, and my wife was never a dog person when we met. We have had multiples of both since, and we have both come to appreciate their differences, and their unique personalities. They provide joy, smiles, laughs, and yes, sometimes grief, but in the end, they are family, and losing one is never easy.
