Race car mystery-Help us solve PLEASE

WE GOT IT -THIS is going to sound weird but the whole issue was the alternator and voltage.we went to the 3rd round today and lost by .001 so we cant complain.at the hotel right now so I'll go into detail when we get home.were running 6.50 1/8 mile, car is launching great , its fricken 98 degrees and 70% humidity down here. Good turn out today on the race and show side.talk to u guys later-THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP -Steve&zach

I spoke to my in house Volvo heavy equipment trainer this morning about this.
He said if the diode was open, it would allow the AC/DC current to mix & cause a major draw on the electrical system.
He said the thing that would throw you off, is the alternator would still charge.
I had pulled a plug & it was sooted badly. lack of voltage? Did you look at your plugs?
Thinking about my Barracuda, the alternator that I have on it, was a used piece when I put it on.
It had been on my other car.
The reason it isn't still on there is, the Demon had broken a ring gear on the starting line & zinged the engine up. The power wire for the alternator started to burn up until we killed the power.
Installed an extra alternator on the Demon & took the failed one to the rebuild shop.
They spun it up & said it was charging ok, then I asked them about the noise it would make while spinning it by hand. Next thing I know, he keeps it & make repairs to it.
I then installed it on the Barracuda & ran it for 4-races until I started having problems.
So, I going to check that out & get back to you.
Hey hotrod I'm the first to admit we had LOTS of experienced Mopar brothers helping us to figure this out ,It was good For Zach to witness how guys came together after a run to see if we had it solved yet,I'll take little credit in this,it was just the fact that it stole more than a second off his time and some 900 rpm and we can chalk that up to the ignition box not having enough voltage to operate thru the whole run,Were still going to pull the valve covers and the oil pan to do some major inspection cause at the same time another racer next door to us lost a rocker and a harmonic balancer on the same run.
You probably had a shorted diode allowing AC to get into the system wreaking havoc with your ignition system. Just my thoughts.
Hey I'm thankful it didn't take out the brand new 7al box,One of the road track guy's from around here just lost a alternator and it took out his ign box-his gauges and burnt up his fuse block but then again it was a chevy but it can happen--Steve