Thanks Bill, I took it to a Radiator shop they flushed it for me at no charge It had barely any flow. When I put it all back together and buttoned it up I went to put the radiator cap on and....that's not the radiator cap that's the thermostat. LOL needless to say. It is a 2 core radiator and the guy told me I should have a 3 core. or I can go with a fan shroud or just not have a thermostat in it. When I filled it this time I started at the intake instead of the radiator you could definitely hear it pushing the air out. Also I knew that when I drained it there seemed to be a lot less in it than it should have so when I filled it up again it took more to fill it up than what came out for sure. My guy has a heat gun which he is going to bring next time he comes and I am going to stick with the radiator I have for now. Its almost time to put her away for the winter I just want to be able to actually drive it for the first time before I do.