Radiator quick fix?



Too many projects
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, Canada
Stupid stupid stupid me.. :angry7: Not even going to say what happened, but I managed to push in a few of the fins in on the rad for the 273. Coolant is leaking out of where the fins got pushed in now. I thought I could just change it out for the rad in the Dart, but wouldn't you know it, the bottom hose nipple is on the opposite side that I need it to be on. So I'm wondering, is there a quick fix for this? Or do I need to take it to a rad shop to get it rebuilt or something?
Stupid stupid stupid me.. :angry7: Not even going to say what happened, but I managed to push in a few of the fins in on the rad for the 273. Coolant is leaking out of where the fins got pushed in now. I thought I could just change it out for the rad in the Dart, but wouldn't you know it, the bottom hose nipple is on the opposite side that I need it to be on. So I'm wondering, is there a quick fix for this? Or do I need to take it to a rad shop to get it rebuilt or something?

If you are VERY good with a small propane torch, some flux and some solder you can repair it. Clean the area very well and work it. It's actually better to remove it and do it laying on a bench, but i've seen successful repairs in the car.
if you go with the soldering route, be careful not to get it too hot. it will burn a hole in it. but at this point you have nothing to lose
Mythbusters said you can crack an egg in your radiator! :)

However, I wouldn't suggest that...:tongue:
I took it in to get recored, and found out the whole thing is clogged. I also found more leaks in the fins when we pressurized it, and noticed that at one point in time, it had hit the fan while the fan was spinning. I am picking up my reman tomorrow.

Also, I haven't heard of cracking an egg down it, but I have heard of using pepper.