


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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It,s been raining on and off here for 5 days!Now today we have thunder storms again.My pool is about 1 inch now from overflowing!This is ridiculous,how are you supposed to do anything?

Parts to sell 001.jpg
We've been having more rain than usual too.

Look at the bright side, your lawn looks great, lol.
Thanks,see the jungle behind the pool fence?There,s another 120x75 feet back there and a creek.Good for tossing branches in.Oh did I mention,I hate willow trees LOL!
Willow trees are like lightning rods and when they get his they explode. Big mess, LOL
I hope it clears up and the sun glasses come out soon pettybludart
Nice home and pool =P~
Send some of that rain over here to the desert please.

We're a couple of weeks into our "monsoon" season and we've only seen a couple drips. Maybe a rain dance will help....LOL
It's been raining pretty frequently here in W. Texas. Here they don't spend money on drainage because it very rarely rains. So when it does it floods and I hate it!!
Think you can send some of that RAIN out west please half of BC. is burning and what little rain we do get brings more fire with the lightning, Who knows maybe the fire's will help wipe out the Damn pine beetle. One can only hope
Fire.Desert,HotHeat and Pine Beetles!!?I think I,ll stick with the rain,supposed to be nice and warm this week!It,s about time,we haven,t even seen 90* yet this summer and it,s almost August!
It has been ridiculous here. It has rained 6 days straight. I really need to cut my grass but my back yard is a pond!! And they are talking another 5 days of rain!
I agree 70 dart... I live in Erie, PA as many of you know and our area has been getting hit bad lately. But yet it looks clear for the nostalgia meet next weekend so far!!!! See, mother nature has no problem with cars... just as long as they're badass gassers and musclecars!