Random pictures thread

Be careful how work prints your name on your name tag... :BangHead:

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After a management change, the "class clown" at my job as building maintenance engineer of a 1000 room resort/golf course was assigned to repaint the parking blocks for the newly assigned reserved parking of the department supervisors.

When he reported that there was not enough room to paint "Assistant Chief Engineer" (the person who assigned the job), the assistant chief said "use an abbreviation".

We all had a good laugh for about a week about "***. Chief".

Well, all but the assistant chief.
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@- Marvin - , @hemi71x ....Good catch! That actually was this past Saturday. I need to update my locationi. I moved to Florida 6 weeks ago near Ocala. Love it here! There are SO many car nuts and fantastic cars and the weather is great. If you like cruises or shows, you could fill you calendar almost every day!