Random pictures thread

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Sorry, but I prefer my vehicles to be "dumb".
That's not driving.
Driving is grabbing second gear with your right hand, attempting to keep the car straight with your left hand, while trying not to spill the beer wedged between your knees every time you stab the clutch pedal... preferably with a half-burned cee-gar clenched in your teeth.
"Concierge" is now a buzzword.


"Anticipate your needs"?

Dave, do you want me to exceed the speed limit like yesterday?
"Alexa; a left hand four-wheel drift at 6,000 RPM, please. And open the exhaust cutouts."
"Then refill my Mimosa while you're at it."
"moving violation fee- $460 for requested action"--

--agree to charge and continue--
--place in cart--
--decline and continue at posted speed limit--
--share on social media--
<background task texts your insurance company to report it>
Quite a bit of truth to that these days. I forget where, but I was reading about people getting socked with pretty good "bumps" to their insurance rates on Sunday because their cars were "smart" and connected to the interwebs. Apparently Big Brother Insurance frowns upon sideways, counter steered, second gear power shifts.

Or even "over applying the brakes", based on the story I read.

Wish I could remember where I read that...

Edit: I remember where I read this! It was in last Sunday's paper, Mpls Star & Tribune. I'd try to find it online, but last time I checked they had their online content locked-down behind a paywall.
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It's the progressive "snapshot" OBD II plug.

You have to request it.

AFAIK, cars don't "self report" to any insurance company. How would they know which one?

That "black box" info is available to law enforcement and presumably insurance, if subpoenaed, if extracted from a crash scene.

I'm actually surprised there are not any "black box scramblers" available.
It's the progressive "snapshot" OBD II plug.

You have to request it.

AFAIK, cars don't "self report" to any insurance company. How would they know which one?

That "black box" info is available to law enforcement and presumably insurance, if subpoenaed, if extracted from a crash scene.

I'm actually surprised there are not any "black box scramblers" available.
You'd think, but...nope!

I think I still have the paper (actual newspaper!) at home, and if I can't find an online link I'll see what I can do about scanning or photographing it. Of course I'll have to be careful about copyrights and all that...

Maybe the story was a reprint (dateline?) from the AP or some readily available source.

Either way, I'm on it.
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Yep, I've always wondered about that shot.... and people claiming they were just waiting for the car line!