Randy Travis has CHF

Sad to hear, used to be a fan and still like his music. Hasn't done much to boost his reputation in the last few years, that's for sure.
Hope things change for the better.....soon.
Yeah, he's had some rough times for sure. No doubt had he taken better care of himself, his immune system would have fought off that virus. Sad indeed. So many celebrities seem to have it made and piss it all away.
Viral heart infection (cough cough) how about alcoholic endocarditis. You play, you pay.
Just because he has congestive heart failure doesn't mean he's going to kick the bucket right away. My great-grandmother lived the last fifteen years (or so) of her life with congestive heart failure, and she died in 1994 at the ripe age of 100. If he can make some pretty serious and drastic changes to his lifestyle, he can still live quite a while. I'm not going to count him out until I see that he's passed.
hell...he will be on top of the hearth transplant list ........
That's sad.

We played "Whisper my Name" at Katie's funeral.

Sarah always enjoyed his music. Even sang "Three Wooden Crosses" at church one time. She really enjoyed watching him when he appeared on Touched By an Angel.
I predict Randy Travis won't be down for breakfast soon.
If he pulls through this and doesn't start takin care of hisself, I will label him a dumbass. Seriously, I hope he does pull through. I always liked his music......IF it was his. Whether he writes his own stuff, I don't know. Probably not......but he's a good entertainer. ....and a half *** actor.
My younger brother was diagnosed with this at the age of 37. The cause? He was a Methamphetamine user. He smoked it, which is the worst possible way to use that terrible drug. His lungs were trashed, his heart was 3 times normal size while only working at 25% of normal. He was on oxygen the last 3 years of his life. He died Apr 2012 just a month shy of his 41st birthday. It was a terrible thing to see... a guy running his body on junk like that is akin to running nitrous and a supercharger on a worn out engine. He left behind a wife and 2 young boys.
As for Mr Travis, I hope that he is able to heal and get back to a somewhat normal life.
The lead singer/bass player/main song writer for my favorite band died of heart failure at 48. Years of cocaine and alcohol abuse caught up to him just a year after finding God and going sober. The band had been touring and he was singing better than he had in a decade. While famous, he had it anything but made.