*RANT* What is it with kids these days?



Active Member
Nov 13, 2009
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South Haven (Valparaiso)
Well I was sitting upstairs and heard bunch of kids in the woods next to my house. Well after a few minutes of the obsenceties that was being expelled from their mouths I decided to firmly advise them out the window to watch what they were saying. And in doing so discovered that they were jumping through the ice on the pond. Yep thats right jumping through the ice to break it on a POND after 4 days of 50 degree weather. Luckily where they were jumping through they were only finding spots that were maybe 3' deep. So I decided to go have a little chat with them about the dangers of what they were doing. Before I got to where they could see me the language turned to more vulgar obsenities. By no means I have a clean mouth but there is a time and place where I will speak that way and out side where every neighbor can hear it is not the place. So I politley advised the group that it was not a wise idea to be jumping through the ice and explained to them the dangers. Well the boy of the group started to get an attitude with me so I asked him if his parents knew what they were up to. And of course I get the smart remark of "yea and who are you?" I then explained to them who I am and that I'm the one that would have to pull them out of the ice if they went under being 1 of 3 people on the fire department trained in ice rescue. Then told them to lets go and talk to the parents. So we get to moms house and think they were a little shocked to find out Ive known their mom for 20yrs now. I explained to her what was going on and if I knew it was her children I probably would have not been so polite to them. Well she started in on the kids and told me next time to let them have it. Talking to the boy a little more and explained the dangers little more in depth and how if he went under and got stuck in the mud by the time the equipment arrived and personnel assembled he would be a body recovery. And explained that I have lost too many kids and had to tell to many parents bad news. Think it might have woke him up a little bit but only time will tell. I appologize for being so long its just frusterating that these kids dont use common sense anymore.
thanks for caring enough to go down and talk to them and go see their parents. I"m afraid that in our society, there are too many parents that don't spend time with their kids and would not have cared like the mom did. Way to go!! Hopefully they will change a bit for the good!
Kids use common sense? When? LOL!!! Good to here you were there to keep them safe. You get some boy together in a group like that and you never know what trouble they will get in. I know I look back some times and say "What was I thinking"? LOL
Thanks god you were there to teach the little turds a lesson...I am not a big fan of ice at any thickness...To many bad stories..... Need more people like you...Others would have turned the other cheek...
Common sense isn't all that common these days.....
You did the right thing.
As I read through your post, I was expecting that you would get all kinds of grief from the mother. Fortunately, you got the right response from her after doing exactly what you should have done with her kid.

Do not second guess what you did or be sorry for ranting to an audience that will back you up. Well done!!
In todays world every one and their brother has a degree from some collage,university,cegep,and other forums of high education,thats great.But,from what I have seen over my 52 years is that very few have a degree from the university of common sence,I could be wrong,mrmopartech
kids can be stupid, selfish, mean, and thoughtless.

some are too eager to be grown ups, the vulgar language gives them that feeling being a grown up.


next time turn the hose on'em, that'll throw'em off.lol
Good for you! As mentioned abv there is way too many parents that dont pay attn to what there kids are doing. There is a definite lack of respect now-a-days and your talk with them will have definitely kept them on the straight and narrow and safe for the time being. As far as the obscenities, they may not stop, but when they see you, they will at least curb their tongues for a while. Good job for speaking out and following up!
Thank you all for the support. It just amazes me how an eleven y/o can be so disrepectful to an adult. I'm 27 and would have never talked back to an adult when I was younger. Mostly out of fear of getting my hide tanned by the old man. lol But where is the respect now? It seems like this is the way kids are acting all over any more. I understand boys will be boys and I was younger once too but still had the common sense to know that was not smart. I know some of it is parenting and wonder when are parents going to wake up and BE PARENTS? I have a 14month old daughter at home and at the rate things seem to be going I'm afraid to let her out into society. I know its not all parents and kids but the few bad apples are really making it hard for everyone else.
kids can be stupid, selfish, mean, and thoughtless.

some are too eager to be grown ups, the vulgar language gives them that feeling being a grown up.


next time turn the hose on'em, that'll throw'em off.lol

haha!! spray them off with the hose!!!! very funny!! lol lol
In Los Angeles, "ice rescue" means running down to the store for another bag when the beer in the cooler is getting warm...:toothy10:
I was kinda expecting you to say that the mother freaked out at you asking you who the parent was, heard that from parents before
As a retired volunteer fire chief/EMT I order you to take your right hand and beat yourself on your left shoulder blade.

You done good!!
I'm not surprised at what I see anymore with the crap these kids are exposed to all the time. Let's face it, this country is at a moral all-time low. We have tv programs on that are all absolutely horrible, video games that teach violence, all the lovely crap of the internet....A lot of collective wisdom gone down the toilet. Nothing passed down to these kids from the old guard anymore.

I haven't been around as long as a lot of you guys. I'm 37 in april, but I'm just reaching the point in my life where I'm apart from these "kids" and drifting into "old farthood" (well you know what I mean). I can see these things a lot clearer now.

I guess the only solution is that if we see a miguided kid, we can try to teach them. Someone's gotta do it. I dont believe there is such a thing as a bad kid. I do believe though, that there are a whole lot of kids that are misguided and need someone to teach them. A lot of them have the wrong idea.

When i was a kid, I never disrespected anyone who showed me they were only being a friend. Even if that meant I got a foot in my *** a couple times here and there.

Over time, we eventually all become more wise and it's only then when we learn that sometimes it's our duty to step in and show these kids the way.
Someone's gotta do it!
It's a miracle we are all still alive from some of the crazy stuff we did.

Fortunately I recognized limits of the human body to an extent combined with a good sense for cause and effect reasoning at a young age.

Some of my friends were not so smart.

One idiot decided it would be funny to toss a handful of mini-mag .22 shells into a campfire one day while we were in our cabin in the woods.

We all ran for cover, then soundly beat the crap out of the idiot that did it.
He was one of those kids that did not hang out with us much but lived up the street so I guess he thought it would impress us or something, yeah okay.

We pretty much policed ourselves to a decent extent but we were buch wild nonetheless and did sustain some injuries from time to time, but speaking back to an adult was not something we would have done.

We got kicked off of a frozen lake near our home that we were riding our bicycles on.
The property mangager was pretty stern with us but nobody talked back to him, but we did call him a couple names under our breath.

I think we knew Mom would beat our asses if we ever did that which is the problem with society now days, even the laws don;t want you spanking your kid even if he or she really needs a good asswhoopin.
Well she started in on the kids and told me next time to let them have it.
to me, this is absolutely the best part of this story. Too often when you go to talk to parents about their kids being rotten little punks, you see where they get it from:-D