Re PSC Garage Poster Orders ... Important Update!

P.S. Just a reminder that if you aren't keen on the final version shown here and decide to change your mind, just let me know and I'll promptly issue you a full refund.

What kind of idiot would not be keen on that. Who gives a rats *** about anything below the picture. Now, how can I get this out to the garage without the wife seeing it?

What kind of idiot would not be keen on that. Who gives a rats *** about anything below the picture. Now, how can I get this out to the garage without the wife seeing it?


Thanks Jack -- so far there have been no requests for refunds. But I have absolutely no intention of forcing anything on anyone and wanted to leave the door open. I never imagined the original design wasn't going to print out correctly, and can't reasonably expect anyone to be happy about a last-minute "bait and switch."

I suppose if I put some nekkid guy's butt down there rubbing on a powder coated intake manifold then ya'll might be upset. :-D
I suppose if I put some nekkid guy's butt down there rubbing on a powder coated intake manifold then ya'll might be upset. :-D

"Houston, we have a problem", comes to mind if you did that. You are a sick person for even thinking that a guy would want to rub his butt on an intake. Now give me a stick to poke my minds eye out with. LOL

"Houston, we have a problem", comes to mind if you did that. You are a sick person for even thinking that a guy would want to rub his butt on an intake. Now give me a stick to poke my minds eye out with. LOL


Here's your stick... :poke:
Hey, one of the Yellow Bullet guys offered to pay extra if I rubbed my boobs on his headers (and of course even more if pics were involved) so it was just a natural transition -- or transgression :-D -- Jack. Don't worry though, I'd never do that to you guys.
Hey, one of the Yellow Bullet guys offered to pay extra if I rubbed my boobs on his headers (and of course even more if pics were involved) so it was just a natural transition -- or transgression :-D -- Jack. Don't worry though, I'd never do that to you guys.

Yup, there isn't much held back over at the Bullet. So, did he have to pay extra?

And to quote somebody else here, I'm a ducking and a running.

They're DONE!!! Ready to be picked up at the printer's finally ...... I'll be getting them out the door as soon as possible. Thanks to all for your patience!! :-D
Since it's Good Friday and they took longer than expected to get finalized, I'm not opening the shop today and will instead devote the time to getting the PSC Garage Posters ready to mail out. Everyone has been extremely patient -- which is much appreciated by the way -- but I need to get them out the door! I'll be around for phone calls but the shop will be closed today. Thanks to all who placed an order!

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