Reading the rules



71 Demon 00 Ram 16 Chrysler 300S 05 Caravan
FABO Gold Member
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, Texas
The newbies to the site should be required to read the rules about posting parts on the "For Sale" area. Lately, I see more and more ads where the mods have to delete phone numbers and email addresses. Read and understand the rules before posting friends!
The newbies to the site should be required to read the rules about posting parts on the "For Sale" area. Lately, I see more and more ads where the mods have to delete phone numbers and email addresses. Read and understand the rules before posting friends!

On another site I frequent for my trucks, a new member can't post a For Sale thread until either a certain amount of time has gone by, or they have made a certain number of posts/responses. Seems to make sense to me on the face of it...
Some girl named Jenny posted a 340 for sale for $50 the other day. She put her phone number in the ad and it was her first post. Mods removed her phone number!! Lucky for me, I already knew Jenny's number. 8675309! :poke:

The newbies to the site should be required to read the rules about posting parts on the "For Sale" area. Lately, I see more and more ads where the mods have to delete phone numbers and email addresses. Read and understand the rules before posting friends!
Thanks! If only they would. It's right in the sale rules that are supposed to be read before posting. Like the new members with parts requests in the Welcome Wagon. It says right there before you post that this is not where you request parts. :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:
Some girl named Jenny posted a 340 for sale for $50 the other day. She put her phone number in the ad and it was her first post. Mods removed her phone number!! Lucky for me, I already knew Jenny's number. 8675309! :poke:

If only...................:rofl::rofl:

On another site I frequent for my trucks, a new member can't post a For Sale thread until either a certain amount of time has gone by, or they have made a certain number of posts/responses. Seems to make sense to me on the face of it...
I wish that wa the rules here. That might cut down on a lot of this. ALthough, I just deleted a parts wanted request in General Forum from a member that has been here since 2019. Now wouldn't you think the guy would have noticed that want ads go in Parts wanted forums.
I delete those and send them a message. Otherwise they will never get a chance to see the sale rules and no chance to ever do it right.
I can't tell you how many ads I see with numbers and email addresses that I catch before the mods do. I post that they need to remove the information before the mods do. Unfortunately, it usually falls on deaf ears and it ends up being taken out by whatever mod catches it first.
I can't tell you how many ads I see with numbers and email addresses that I catch before the mods do. I post that they need to remove the information before the mods do. Unfortunately, it usually falls on deaf ears and it ends up being taken out by whatever mod catches it first.
Thanks for catching those and welcome to my world! If you see that stuff posted, no need to reply, just hit the report button. We all get notifications about reported posts and can handle it all on our end. Sammers love personal information like that. Thanks again. We much appreciate the help from you guys.
it won't make a lick of difference. no matter how many stickies you put up, no matter how many boxes have to be checked, no matter how much red or bold or underlined text there is clearly defining the rules of engagement, people will just flat *** ignore it.

and those people that post up in the wrong place or don't follow the rules regarding for sale stuff, they'll be the first to throw a tantrum and fill their diaper because *they* didn't follow the rules.

same as those people who post up their email, phone, personal info. you can bet they'll be the first to complain about getting scammed.

you can't fix stupid.
A lotta old timers like to post commentary in the for sale ads too.
Why not making the forum not allowing any type of reply in a for sale ad?
That would put an end to commentary in an ad.
Lots of forums just allow your ad to be posted, and then, that's it.
My .02 cents worth, on the subject.
If there is an "infraction" the poster should be relegated to a new forum, "fabo for dummies " :lol: and can only post there for a few days.
Some descriptions aren't accurate, OR it's a Mopar part that the OP doesn't know what it is or fits. Gotta be some leeway.
Why not making the forum not allowing any type of reply in a for sale ad?
That would put an end to commentary in an ad.
Lots of forums just allow your ad to be posted, and then, that's it.
My .02 cents worth, on the subject.
Lots of ads have the wrong info. When I tried to correct them with a comment it’s deleted. Then some unsuspecting buyer buys the wrong part then there is a he said she said argument. And some of the mods should know dam well that we’re trying to help out both the seller and the buyer. Kim