Real real real REAL stupid banking rule



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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I recently got a credit card for the express purpose of not jeopardising my debit card. I've made several larger purchases, one of which was a Ford 9" axle right on here.

The other day, the account came up "refused" and later, when I looked at the website, the account was "frozen."


Bear in mind I had made some large purchases, then immediately a day or two or three hence had transferred money into the account.

I was NOT late in paying, nor did I go "over" the limit on any charges.


1 You cannot pay more than you owe. (Example) Let's say your balance is zero, and you make a large purchase, then go to your other bank to transfer money to cover it. IF IF IF the payment comes in BEFORE the purchase goes through that is somehow a "violation."

2. You cannot charge more than your credit limit DURING A MONTHLY PAY CYCLE This means that if you make a large purchase right up against the credit limit --and then in a day or two etc, pay it right back to a balance of zero balance YOU ARE DONE using that card for the month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has anyone heard of this incredible nonsense?

Yes, I am. Looking for a different bank.
Never heard of it. Find a real bank.
Yeah no kiddin. We have bank cards, but opt not to use them as a debit card. Debit cards are a bad idea anyway. Just use the bank card like a regular credit card. That's all we ever do.
With the credit card regulations imposed about a year ago, We all probably have similar rules in place. We just haven't broken them yet.
At least you know what someone else can and can't do with your card.
Buck Fanks !

Let's see here ... 1% interest on YOUR money that they're "holding for you" , yet 20% + interest on loans from these clowns . Hmmmmmm ... NO THANKS !
I got a paypal card after I got pissed that it took 5 days to transfer funds. Now if someone buys something on e-bay I can immediately go to an ATM and pull the funds. I can also transfer funds from my bank account to paypal and use them.
That's nuttier than squirrel turds. If I use a credit card, it's usually because I can't pay cash, so wouldn't be paying it back the next day, but it doesn't make sense that you can't
Well, I'll be lookin. There's a local bank here that got started years ago, my parents used it til they were gone, and my Aunt's and Uncles use it. I'll be talkin to them tomorrow.
Is there a picture of Mickey Mouse on your card?

If not, there should be.

More truth than funny. You can get "customised" cards, I'll have to see and get one before I feed it back to them.

LOL!!! "Here's your stupid Mickey Mouse card back!!!"

Here's a couple of partial screenshots of my account. Notice that even though the credit line is 2500, I only have 1.00 !!! available credit!!!


Here's a running account of the month. For me, this is some serious money has changed hands. I bought a refurb Canon 7D, and "was going" to buy a second!!! bought a used Canon 70-200 2.8 IS lens (1400) along with over 1200 for the 9 " Ferd axle, along with gas, groceries, and a few other things. I would have thought they would be glad to get my business. Today, there was a big red warning that my account is frozen, and that's gone, but it might as well not be with ONE WHOLE DOLLAR of credit to spend!!!!

I have a bank credit card too but I rarely use it. Have you tried Discover? That is all I use, unless the place doesn't take it. Most places do. They have the best cashback rewards. At the end of the month I usually earn about $10 to $20 cash rewards just for using it.
Two words: CREDIT UNION.

Exactly. That's what we have used here for better than 15 years. We can use our bank card as a credit card. No fees, no interest, no nuthin. If we don't have the money, we don't buy it. We couldn't if we tried.....and that's the best part. LOL
Holy cash machine, Batman. THIS thread came out o' the past!!
Two words: CREDIT UNION.

While i agree, not all credit unions are great either.

I nearly missed out on buying my duster because of my credit union. I had 13k in the bank, and came by to pull out 4k for my car. They argued with me and told me i should have to tell them a day in advance.(needless to say, they caved and i got my car)