Really makes you want to save them


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
As i watch this video, it makes me warm and fuzzy all over to think I saved a bunch through the years. They are still disappearing at large rates every year.

I am SO OLD I remember when so many large OLD yards were crushed starting around early 2000's, yea some before but, and yea that is like 20 years ago. Then later scrape got so high the Missouri dope heads actually got busy running the back roads looking for old cars in pastures and fence rows, and farmers scrap they could talk the owner out of for free or little.
Problem now days, FB Marketplace has every guy that finds or Uncle Joe left him. an old car to sell, think bad parts cars are high $ candidates for a resto. Read stupid prices! The economy is starting to put some reality back in the pic a little. Maybe.
IF you can buy a restorable and fairly complete old classic out of a yard ( usually the small guy back pasture yard), then you have the title BS to contend with. Tx. bonded titles are doable but a pain and can cost $4-500 easy. Some states are easy some almost impossible.
Saving an old classic makes us feel good, but if time comes for it find a new home, losing losts of $$$ will break the bank..quickly!!
As i watch this video, it makes me warm and fuzzy all over to think I saved a bunch through the years. They are still disappearing at large rates every year.

I feel ya.

Save the ones you can, the rest, well either nature takes it course or they become steel that maybe holds up a bridge one day.
I am SO OLD I remember when so many large OLD yards were crushed starting around early 2000's, yea some before but, and yea that is like 20 years ago. Then later scrape got so high the Missouri dope heads actually got busy running the back roads looking for old cars in pastures and fence rows, and farmers scrap they could talk the owner out of for free or little.
Problem now days, FB Marketplace has every guy that finds or Uncle Joe left him. an old car to sell, think bad parts cars are high $ candidates for a resto. Read stupid prices! The economy is starting to put some reality back in the pic a little. Maybe.
IF you can buy a restorable and fairly complete old classic out of a yard ( usually the small guy back pasture yard), then you have the title BS to contend with. Tx. bonded titles are doable but a pain and can cost $4-500 easy. Some states are easy some almost impossible.
Saving an old classic makes us feel good, but if time comes for it find a new home, losing losts of $$$ will break the bank..quickly!!
Yeah happened about mid 2008 when scrap prices got above 350 bucks a ton for sheering grade. Heavy sheering was pushing 500 a ton.
We are still saving cars..for now.

To me they are yard art unless someone decides to take on a project. At a certain point they become parts before nothing is to be salvaged.

Big Blocks are another example of things that are disappearing in our hobby. I buy every viable 400 that comes up for sale.



We are still saving cars..for now.

To me they are yard art unless someone decides to take on a project. At a certain point they become parts before nothing is to be salvaged.

Big Blocks are another example of things that are disappearing in our hobby. I buy every viable 400 that comes up for sale.

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I think I have seen those pics before.

Did I ask you about the 66 Coronet 440 383-4 car?

I have a database with 14 of the 1679 of those cars that were built.

...and I own one.

Sure would like to add yours to my files.
I think I have seen those pics before.

Did I ask you about the 66 Coronet 440 383-4 car?

I have a database with 14 of the 1679 of those cars that were built.

...and I own one.

Sure would like to add yours to my files.

We currently have 3 '66 383-4 cars. The green/ wrecked 440, the dark red 440 model 4 speed and my wife's 500 model convertible. We like them too : D
We currently have 3 '66 383-4 cars. The green/ wrecked 440, the dark red 440 model 4 speed and my wife's 500 model convertible. We like them too : D

Do I have your red one?

I don't see a red 4 speed car in my files.
I still very occasionally run up on large and old yards that are still in tack but inactive ( that someone mentions that is NOT in the hobby). Usually some funky things about the yards. Owners ( or heirs) won't sell any parts/cars but at least they have not been crushed.

I say most "spare" parts are and have been in the hands of hobby-est for the last 15-25 years. We hold on them such as maybe one day we might need them, but swap meets suck, too much BS to ad parts and ship, FB Marketplace sucks, etc etc. If you sell it all to a "guy" he wants it all for pennies on the $ or just the "good" stuff/.

Yea I have had quite a few 66-7 B bodies, I love them, and still today one of the affordable cars/projects. And they still do not b ring the $ in general if you want to sell. But it all is relative, at least they don't cost what a 2 nd gen Charger costs!!!!
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Very hard to watch, even seeing brands that don’t interest me, didn’t matter anymore it’s hard to see them go away.
I can remember seeing at least one of every thing crushed as a daily driver, right up to a ‘58 DelRay.