Rebuild is Imminent, Finally



Shade Tree Tinker Gnome.....
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
DFW, Texas
It took me forever, but I've finally got off my butt and gotten the major parts for starting my axle build. The only thing I lack are the misc brake parts, all readily available from the parts store, and the axles themselves.

I'm going to wait to order to place the order with Moser until I verify this late model Trac Loc fits in my axle housing. Everyone (Including Randy's R&P) says it is a direct replacement but for the spline count. BUT.....better safe than sorry.

It'll take a bit to interface the Jeep E-brake cables to the Dart, but I've already got ideas there. Plus I want to get all SS braided hoses, but I haven't found any for the later A-bodies. There is a place locally I have a biz account with and they make DOT brake lines for anything.

Our club car show is at the end of the month. After that, she goes on stands and gets stripped. It's the LAST part of my car that needs mechanical attention. After this it's just stuff like a new fuel tank (more of a want than need) and eventual I think the car will get a 134 AC system.


Rear Part.jpg