Recently purchased 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger 340 4 speed

SAWEET!!! I have its twin older brother (69 340 4sp R4 ) that I am just about finished with . I chose to go white top (factory painted top option ) and interior due to our extreme temps out here in summer .
Cant wait to see your progress !



Welcome to fabo, very cool car to start with.
Ha … Thats the primer… its on a slow roll to final blocking and then a single stage poly urethane.
It should be nice when you are finished. I was joking about the foot of white stuff on the roof in the first pic. :thumbsup:
Welcome to the A-Body fraternity and to FABO. Love that Dart, what a score. Better sitting on blacktop than being driven in the salt, LOL. Seems like it fared much better than expected. CONGRATULATIONS!