Recession hits me!

I wish you the best dfsmn34. A furlough sucks but it could be much worse and thank goodness you still have your job.

I get the feeling that things are going to get worse for everyone before they get better.
To those of us who lived through the '70s, you will remember that the term "stagflation" was coined to describe years of high inflation and stagnation in the business/job world.

Be aware! The government has just done what the government did back then, but in spades. This is what is happening now: The government has increased spending and has borrowed by the trillions of dollars. A trillion is a thousand billion and a billion is a thousand million. Forcasted debt is now about $10 trillion. Try to get your head around that figure. There is not that amount of free capital in the world to pay for that. The government is issuing bonds that nobody is buying, so they are printing dollars to buy the bonds from ourselves. This is dropping the value of the dollar to piss status. Did you wonder why prices are on the rise lately? Especially oil?

This is uncharted territory. Nobody in the world has ever taken this calamity unto themselves with the possible exception of Zimbabwe. We are already on the edge and hanging by our fingernails. Companies will not expand in this economic climate and will likely contract. They will, therefore, generally not be hiring. The hyperinflation tide will hit like a wave, first ramping up slowly and then follow the bell curve to destructive heights. We will be powerless to stop it at that point.

Keep your eyes open and watch what is happening. Start worrying.
Aloha...well I just got the notice I have to take three days a month "Furlough days"! thats days without pay...

For two years...36 days a year...which basically means a pay cut of 15%...last year the State of Hawaii (Which I am an employee) had a surplus...a year later...168M in da hole!

How does that happen? Crazy!

...still got my one loses their job too.

But DANG! thats over 10K a year for my family. (See Steve Martin and Dan Akroyd Two wild and crazy guys doin the "bummer dance" fingers pointing to the ground)


could be worse...just ventin...Mahalo for listenin'

Aloha all! Take care and Mahalo!!!!

PS...time for a side job!

Sorry to here this happen to you my Hawaii friend, My brother has lost a bunch in his stock with DANKA, The co he has been with almost 20 years and know it seems they are pressuring half of the sales department to get mad and quit :angry7: Asking for more cold calls and expecting more sale is not going to happen with the economy the way it is. DA!!
He has been having anxiety problems over it and I do what I can to back him up and take a big breath and realize what is going on now a days.
I think corp is treating there employees like crap just to get them to throw in the towel and make it easy for them to down size.
Aloha Dfnsmn34 and I hope the best for you. And I am glad that you took the time to vent, Its good for you brother.

Can you tell me again what Mahalo means?
To those of us who lived through the '70s, you will remember that the term "stagflation" was coined to describe years of high inflation and stagnation in the business/job world.

Be aware! The government has just done what the government did back then, but in spades. This is what is happening now: The government has increased spending and has borrowed by the trillions of dollars. A trillion is a thousand billion and a billion is a thousand million. Forcasted debt is now about $10 trillion. Try to get your head around that figure. There is not that amount of free capital in the world to pay for that. The government is issuing bonds that nobody is buying, so they are printing dollars to buy the bonds from ourselves. This is dropping the value of the dollar to piss status. Did you wonder why prices are on the rise lately? Especially oil?

This is uncharted territory. Nobody in the world has ever taken this calamity unto themselves with the possible exception of Zimbabwe. We are already on the edge and hanging by our fingernails. Companies will not expand in this economic climate and will likely contract. They will, therefore, generally not be hiring. The hyperinflation tide will hit like a wave, first ramping up slowly and then follow the bell curve to destructive heights. We will be powerless to stop it at that point.

Keep your eyes open and watch what is happening. Start worrying.

I couldn't have said it any better. Spot on FISHBREATH.
hey guy i know how you feel my son in law learned to live on 55 hrs a week about a month ago they stopped all over time first house 2 year old daughter and another on the way him and my daughter came to me and asked if they sell there house can they move in with us for a couple of years i can turn them away so looks like there coming here i just hope your as lucky as there are to have family that can help with that all i can say is i'll keep you and all the others in the same place you are in my PRAYERS we are all feeling the crunch keep you head up somehow things will work out for you all
memike = Can you tell me again what Mahalo means?

Mahalo = THANK YOU!:cheers:

Aloha and Mahalo friends for your support!
i like the one i heard on the radio. reccession is when your neighbor gets laid off. Deppression is when you get laid off. Recovery is when Obama gets laid off.
I'm on 32 hrs a week too. I've been thinking about selling my 2002 v-6 dakota. i'd hate to do it couse it only has 45000 miles and looks like it just rolled off the showroom floor. Still has a hint of the new car smell inside. But in the famouse words of Clint Eastwood a mans gotta know his limitations so the dart stays!
Aloha...well I just got the notice I have to take three days a month "Furlough days"! thats days without pay...

For two years...36 days a year...which basically means a pay cut of 15%...last year the State of Hawaii (Which I am an employee) had a surplus...a year later...168M in da hole!

How does that happen? Crazy!

...still got my one loses their job too.

But DANG! thats over 10K a year for my family. (See Steve Martin and Dan Akroyd Two wild and crazy guys doin the "bummer dance" fingers pointing to the ground)


could be worse...just ventin...Mahalo for listenin'

Aloha all! Take care and Mahalo!!!!

PS...time for a side job!

Sorry to hear the bad new's Dfnsmn34, My two son's are down to a 32 hour work week here to and work for two deferent companies
they are now selling on ebag to help keep the bills paid .
I will keep you and yours in our prayers and hope things get back to normal soon my Hawaiian friend. :angel3:
X2 FISHBREATH-We will hit that inflation spiral and it will be early 80's all over again. I remember I purchased an 82 k-car and as I can recall I barrowed money at sixteen percent in 1982. I think all of our retirements will all be devalued. We had double digit inflation rates for a while. It's going to happen.
Mahalo guys!

It turns out (Once the dust settled) the pay cut is 7.5% for this year, then 5% for next year....then they turn around and give us 13 days leave with pay for the next two years. ???? crazy! (They will shut down the university and save $$$ that way). So all in all, yes I am blessed to still be working and provide food and shelter over my family's head. Plus, I have two great Mopars and a great Mopar family (FABO) to help through the any difficult times.

Yes, others are in more difficult times then I and we will still do our best to support them when we can.

Aloha FABO Ohana! You guys are the best.

"15% pay cut for only two years isn't so bad.
If 15% = 10k/year, it sounds like you still have a lot to still be thankful for."

You are right. I do have a lot to be thankful for...I worked hard and sacrificed alot to get what I earn. Management in the government....screwed up and now a lot of people must it stands the TEACHER must take furlough days...yep our children are being denied school to meet the budget cuts...How stupid is that??? I'd much rather have money taken away then our kids have 18 less days of school a year. UGH!
Aloha...well I just got the notice I have to take three days a month "Furlough days"! thats days without pay...

Sorry to hear that but be galad Dude...we just heard that WARN notices (60 day notice of layoffs) are coming tomorrow, Not only are there 50 people retiring, but there are about 75 guys being laid off (OH...I'm 15 from the bottom). And this isn't economy related, this is our parent company cutting heads because the CEO and other execs have to take a $250k pay cut this year.

Everyone in the country is affected. Have to do the best we can.
Fishbreath forgot to mention that the government has been working us up to this point starting with ronny "New world order" reagon. Now nothing has changed and the 2 partys can't get anything done so we are ALL screwed. We should have voted for McCain/failin and at least the whole economy world wide would be colasped and we all would be out of work and on an even keel. I (Being unemployed now for months) say vote out all emcumbants in all offices untill we get people in there that want to work FOR us. I am sorry for the rant.
at least the whole economy world wide would be colasped and we all would be out of work and on an even keel.
Perhaps that's what we need. Once a lot of people start to starve and have to work (hunt) to get their food, maybe they'll appreciate things and the value of a dollar a lot more and not just keep pissing it away on an overinflated/oversized house they don't need or two brand new cars every three years.

I (Being unemployed now for months) say vote out all emcumbants in all offices untill we get people in there that want to work FOR us. I am sorry for the rant.

I agree 150%!!!!!!!!