Redneck Fun!

That looks like some kind of stupid crap my friends and I would do.

We got rid of scorpions one time by soaking a cinder block wall with gasoline. It worked great, until we realized we couldn't put out the fire... ya know, because the burning gas would just float on top of the water... uh, yeah...
They where very lucky some one did not go to the hospital.
Looked like fun to me if I was behind a window.
those guys are idiots. i have a couple of hives and this time of year there are sometimes 2 queens, so the bees swarm and take a queen with them and maybe up to 1/2 the hive. just looking for a new hive. i have actually picked up a swarm with bare hands and not been stung. honey bees are actually very docile
That was freaking hilarious...How much beer do you think it took to build a fire like that..LMAO
Were those really honey bees?

Most honey bees in the east coast are dying off from some strange disease.

My father in law made a good living selling honey after he retired, but all his bees died off from that strange disease.

If those were truly honey bees, they actually could have been coaxed into a hive by someone who knew what they were doing, but those dudes sure looked like they were having fun.
Ahhh Its A Beautiful Thing!!! Also If You Have A Compressor, You Can Hit Them With A Few Coats Of Paint! Really Pisses The Little Basterds Off As They Wiggle Around On The Ground Trying To Fly!! They Never Make It!! Or Just A Good Ol Can Of Hair Spray And A Lighter!!! Hehehehe!!