Redneck Map of the USA



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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Came accross this, thought it was pretty funny! (hope no one is offended)

sweet, va is in the kkk region. lol

just kidding
That's funny.

I live in the KKK section,LOL, but that has all but faded away now.

We were able to put an end to the pro gay billboards the homosexuals were trying to stuff down our throats in the more rural areas.

The gays actually admitted they wanted to tick off the long time rural rednecks from the small town because they were stuck in a time warp filled with "hate."
I don't know where they got this information.
The billboards had images of police officers, nurses, and firemen, with a caption at the bottom in big bold letters that said."I work in your community and I'm Gay."

Well, they found out how much "hate" they could generate by the billboards.

The office of the organization that put the billboards up had alot of angry residents ready to darn near mow the place down with bulletts after the first sign went up.
This, along with pressure from tons of emails from concerned parents such as myself that don't needs this crap force fed to our kids put an end to that real quick.

The email I sent basically was some thing like this.

" I think your group, for whatever reason, could better suit itself in the community by keeping your sexual orientation behind closed doors instead of cramming down our throats with billboards."
"As proud as you may be, we don't need to know this."
"This community is very family oriented, and many residents are God fearing people with large families."
"You are just doing this to stir up trouble which may affect you negatively."
"I would expect tactics like this from third grade bullies, or spoiled brats who did not get their own way, but not from adults that should know better by now."

"It would be equally rediculous for me to put up a billboard with a picture of myself holding my perfectly legal pistol gripped shotgun, standing next to my family with a caption underneath that says:"I am your neighbor, this is my family, and we are well armed, so is the rest of the community, and we don't like gays."
" How rediculous is that?", I asked.

Needless to say, I got no response from the organization, but that weekend, the local newspaper had a big write up complete with an apology from the billboard group in leu of all the emails, personal appearances at the office from less than happy residents, and a whole sleu of threats of one type or another..... LOL.

Oh, I forgot to mention.
90 percent of the community are transplants from other states anyways.
hope no one is offended!! Not me, It is a old world map.
I was born in Sacramento Calif. and was raised in 8 other states.
No I am not gay and I like all folks, Until they trespass me, or my family, dog's or friends,:-D Then I show them I have the time and skills to wish they never did what they did.8) I make smiles everywhere I go.:toothy10:
The only thing that offends me is the fact that I can't read the caption for Florida. Do your thing and let me do mine and we'll get along.8)
The only thing that offends me is the fact that I can't read the caption for Florida. Do your thing and let me do mine and we'll get along.8)

Well said grumpuscreature 8) I think it says Cuba.:dontknow:

How is the knee doing sir?
That's funny.

We were able to put an end to the pro gay billboards the homosexuals were trying to stuff down our throats in the more rural areas.

Although sometimes a wise ***, I found this one just way to easy to comment on. :toothy10:

Thanks for posting this 66340SEDAN. I've seen it before and it is still funny especially these days when the stereotypes are not taken so seriously anymore.

BTW: I thought for sure that the redneck map of the USA would have renamed the state of "Nothing" to "Where my Ch*vy or F*rd pick'emup truck was Built or Came From."
I live in the Here Be Bigfoot region. Thought I seen him ounce, but turned out to be my hunting buddy staggering around out in the woods 6 drinks after a hard day hunting! And me looking through eye's 6 drinks after a hard day of hunting! Tequlia does funny thing to ya when consumed in mass amounts!
Wow. Maryland is in the "useless" section. Whoever made it must be familiar with our government.
I guess my life IS getting better. Within the last ten years I've moved up from "gays" to "useless" to "CHEESE"
I'm in PA and I actually DO love Ben Franklin - greatest American ever. What's it say for Jersey - waste of space?

Edit - It says useless - great description.
I live in the Here Be Bigfoot region. Thought I seen him ounce, but turned out to be my hunting buddy staggering around out in the woods 6 drinks after a hard day hunting! And me looking through eye's 6 drinks after a hard day of hunting! Tequlia does funny thing to ya when consumed in mass amounts!

That is hilarious!

I'm in the I mean the region!

Seriously though my great grandfather was in the KKK. The Klan started in Illinois I believe.
I guess my life IS getting better. Within the last ten years I've moved up from "gays" to "useless" to "CHEESE"

I'm not so sure about mine, I went from Japan to Gays and now I am just plain confused. ;-)

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that the person that came up with this map was from Nebraska. :bootysha:
Yup looks pretty accurate to me and as far as Canada goes just keep the line moving, nothing to see here.:-D

hey! they got the Nebraska thing right.

And offend away Don't stop having fun just because one stick stuck person doesn't like what the map says.
Don't walk on egg shells man we ain't chickens.

New York is Gay? Let cousin Vinny & Guido see this. You'll wake up in the trunk of a Buick with the smell of the car burning all around you. :thebirdm:
New York is Gay? Let cousin Vinny & Guido see this. You'll wake up in the trunk of a Buick with the smell of the car burning all around you. :thebirdm:

Who's Vinney & Guido? Any relation to Olee & Sven? :toothy10: