remote battery shut off switch


joshua dewitt

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
tucson, az
where have you guys installed this where the pull handle comes out the rear? 1973 dart swinger.. master battery is on left side, slave battery on right. I all ready had one in a box in let rear. adding remote rod set up. was getting creative with a bell crank that has a rod in out between left bumper guard and the center peak. that way cold still be a push /pull. but where do you get the swivel bracket that goes on the switch, tat takes place of the flip lever at? can only find this with a kit from race shop. this has to be a hardware item right? slips over with set screw, and has a ball /pivot swivel on end. or I can get one of these, any suggestions..... need this set up to work with the switch location all ready.
The complication is that NHRA specifies IT MUST BE PUSHED (and not pulled) to disconnect
kill switch creation.png
I know that... I made it today on a speedway bell crank, and ace hardware items. working on the push/pull rod now.... pull for on, and push for does work!!
You get an A+ for creativity
But F for trunk neatness,lol
and probly C for "that's not how I wouldda done it"
But then, most of the things I have done,You probly wouldn't do either, so maybe that C is too harsh;IDK

Try to imagine your car upside down,and you're still stuck hanging in the harness. Maybe a lil flame starts up. The safety boys are gonna want to see the handle and slam it in ASAP! And then they'll get to you.
Try to make their job easy, and fast.
Try not to think of the switch as a regulation, but rather as a lifesaver.
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well, 1st of all. not a race car, I drive it on the streets, the lever goes though the rear bumper and is very visible, bumper off right now for other repair work. just added this, the shut off switch rod is removable and street driving for vehicle security, can't be started with no juice from battery, ....unless break into the trunk. and then rod is added so if want to go to the track.... and as for the trunk neatness, the car is being used for storage as being worked on right now. I would never have all that crap in the trunk.
I was joshing on the neatness.
My car is a streeter too, with the single battery in the right rear, and with an outside shut-off. I too use it for anti-theft. I have other anti-theft systems on the car too. When I stay at a motel,600 miles from home, I leave the doors unlocked, and go to sleep. Soundly. The car has always been there in the morning.
ok, its all good... will post pics when finished on page latter... still in progress, converting all light to leds.....