removing steering column

I haven't been able to work on the car this week. I'm not sure if I have the flu or what, but my son is sick as well. Maybe need week I will be able to get started again.
That is the one inside the plunge joint. The OP is talking about the one right above the steering box on the joint.--Roy
I was confused. Seems some were talking about the pin just above the steering box and others were talking about at the connector.
I have never removed a steering column before and just need to know the proper way.
You want to knock out the only one you can see when the column is in the car. That solid steel one in the picture is inside of the rectangular box just above the one you can see.
Use a roll pin punch on the roll pin. That punch has a ball shaped tip with a shoulder. They come in different sizes based on the size of the pin and the ball tip helps to keep it centered on the pin. A roll pin is super hard ( they can even break ) and should not mushroom easily.
For the solid pin I would place the tip of the pin between vise jaws so they support the shaft but the pin can be driven out. Smack it hard until flush then finish driving it out with a straight punch.
Well I feel dumb....! My 65's coupler roll pin just tapped out, no problem. My buddies 64 was a bolt..?
I haven't been to the garage. I have either the flu or something. Hope next week will be better.