Replacement Speedometer - 55 mph max



Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
I purchased a used speedometer, sent it to be restored and calibrated to replace the one in my Dart that was malfunctioning.

I was waiting to swap the speedometers at the same time I was going to do a restored radio swap. Well after waiting for the radio over several months (still don't have it yet...another story :protest:) I decided it was time to swap out the speedometer. The bad one was "driving" me crazy!!:banghead:

While I was waiting for the radio I kept the replacement speedometer caught up with my actual miles I was putting on the car by hooking a speedometer cable to a drill and running it for the amount of time needed to match the mileage. I usually ran the drill at the speedometer speed of 70 mph and the fastest the drill would get it up to was 92 mph.

This week the garage that I use for repairs swapped the speedometers as they were doing other work. Today I took the Dart out on the highway and the needle would not break the 55 mph mark and I know I was going faster that that. Slowing down the needle did not move then dropped about 10 mph and continued a natural slow descent through the numbers. From 0-50 it seems ok, then next 5 are not achieved as quick.

Any ideas on why now that the speedometer is in the car it can not get higher than 55, when I have been able to do that with a drill? Speedometer Pinion Gear?

The speedometer cable was replaced in Nov 2011.

Thanks for your replies.
Just an update...

The speedometer needle was hitting the lens at 55 mph. Sent it back to the company that rebuilt and calibrated it. They corrected the needle flow across the speedometer face and is now in the car working as it should.