Rest in peace



Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
portage lakes ohio
Got home from work today at 6.00 tonight. my 10 year old son said he could not find casper are little adoped white dog. went out to look for him cause he always comes when you call him. found him out back by the fence. he was laying in the yard. no sign of blood just laying there:cry:he had only been outfor alittle bit and the other two dogs came in the big dog can open the sliding glass door so they had came back in and had been barking. he was a breeding farm dog and my had health problems. but makes me cry cause he always came to me. RIP caster als
bye little guy



Casper is resting and waiting for a different life
It's never easy on folks that have love for animals alsdemon
You gave him some great days I bet 8)
Casper look's a little like my Boogy, She keeps me busy and happy :happy10:

Our condolences to you and the folks around you, I bet he was a friend to many 8)



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That Casper is easily one of the coolest little guys I've ever seen !

You were lucky to have had him....Glad he had a great home. If I were you, I'd get another one just like him !
I feel your pain, just had to take my parents to put down their 15 1/2 yr old pug Shadow last wednesday. It was one of the hardest things to watch my parents go through especially since they had him since I was 12.
I am Looking for a pup to fill my void, I lost my friends last year.

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Sorry for your loss, alsdemon. Casper crossed the bridge and is now in the 'Land of the slow squirrels' (got that from Ramcharger awhile back) where the sun is always shining and warm.
Remember the good times - they're the most important.
I feel your pain, I lost my Black Lab about a year ago. Decker went every where with me to the track camping out in the shop if I was there so was he. Best freind I ever had. Can't get my wife to let me get another one. Asked Santa for a puppy this year but had no luck. Going to ask again for my birthday but not getting my hopes up she put her foot down pretty hard on that topic.