Richmond, Calif.


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
I'm headed that way to work on a project an would be interested in meeting some mopar freaks and maybe taking in a swap meet of a show. I'll have the iPad with me so reply here an I'll get back with ya. Should be in the area for maybe 3 weeks.
Small Block
I'm headed that way to work on a project an would be interested in meeting some molar freaks and maybe taking in a swap meet of a show. I'll have the iPad with me so reply here an I'll get back with ya. Should be in the area for maybe 3 weeks.
Small Block

Here for a dental convention? :burnout:
Raider, do they eat hillbillys.....lead flavored? Sorry Chris. I corrected it for ya. That was suppose to say "MOPAR". Any charter boats in that area?
Tons of fishing charter boats or just sightseeing also . Let me know and I'll ask my Cousin ,he knows them all .
Fishing for sure. I think I'll throw in a fly rod. Looks like I may have one day a week to goof off unless we have unexpected issues.
Bill, Sounds like it's not safe for anyone after dark. Take care until we meet again.
Yeah have to agree with the guys you don't want to be walking around...unless you have a bullet proof vest ...don't know of any automotive stuff going on next week but can check it out....think they are all a month off or so....