Rods in my Head, Part 2

Latest update: The head has come back from the machine shop for the Dart engine that's going into my car. I believe that I've found the final piece of wire in my cylinder head - which I extracted, of course. I could only see a small portion through the thermostat hole, so I grabbed it with a needle nose pliers. Once it started, it just kept coming and coming as a long portion was way down into the head along the valves. Anyhow, here it is - the last piece stuck in my engine. Stretched out, that sucker was over a foot long (the wire, that is).

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kinda like this?

Thats nuts :realcrazy:
What would be nuts would be to have a 30-40% or higher casting failure rate from core drop-out, resulting in an enormous pile of ruined castings waiting to be melted back down to be re-prepped/skimmed or simply left for dead.