Run of luck, now a fire



Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2008
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This last year has been a brutal one and I can't wait for it to end. The wife and I decided to go on a day trip to Sloquet Hot Springs with out two girls 4 years old and 2, it started out great. It was a 3 1/2 hour drive on logging roads to get there, but worth it in the end.The sun was shining, and the kids had a blast playing in the hot pools. About 1/2 hour after leaving the hot springs,( and in the middle of nowhere, i might add,) we noticed smoke billowing out of the hood of our Land Cruiser. We pulled over on the logging road, and tried to pop the hood, but it was very apparent that the 'fire' had already malfunctioned the latch to get the hood up. Needless to say, we sat there, helplessly as we watched our favorite vehicle go up in flames. (tires were popping, windows were blowing out!) We were able to get most stuff out of the truck, most importantly, we are all safe and sound.
My four year old, Braith was quite concerned about how we were going to get home (as were we), but we managed to hitch a ride with a guy who was passing by, who dropped us off at the bottom of the mountain, and then our dear friend Thomas picked us up, and drove us the rest of the way home.
The whole thing was over within 30 minutes. Maybe next Sunday, we'll stay home.
p.s. anyone have a good car for sale?

Here was my truck before the fire ....... I loved this truck. Factory locking diffs front and rear. XD9000 lb winch, I've had 4x4's my whole life and even owned a British army defender. This was the best truck I have ever owned.


WOW. At least we all got out and no forrest fire was started.



Man that's wild, and a relatively new vehicle to. Did they find out what started the fire. Too bad nice looking ride! Is insurance going to cover it for you?
By old girl. If it wasn't for **** luck I'd have no luck at all lately. We were 60 Km from anywhere with no phone service. I had enough emergency equipment to keep us through the night but thank God that wasn't necessary. Lets hope ICBC insurance doesn't put up a fight. I don't think I can replace that truck with what I'll get from them. I just thank God we got out as it went up very fast.:vom:



Man that's wild, and a relatively new vehicle to. Did they find out what started the fire. Too bad nice looking ride! Is insurance going to cover it for you?
I hope so. I have heard ICBC can be tough although I have never had a claim ........ we'll see. I have no idea what started the fire. By the time I got out and tried to open the hood the catch had already melted and the hood was bubbling. We just got the kids out before it filled with thick black smoke.
Oh crap! So sorry to hear about this. I think Toyota should get a letter regarding this.

Thank goodness you and your family are OK.
wowzers.... glad all is safe.. vehicles can be replaced.

Sounds like a fuel leak of sorts... sheesh... your story sounds just like it happened to my brothers Nissan except for it was in town....

Man that's wild, and a relatively new vehicle to. Did they find out what started the fire. Too bad nice looking ride! Is insurance going to cover it for you?

Don't know, it got hot fast and even melted the solder out of the transmission cooler. With the heat I don't imagine the bush bar is even salvageable as the steel is weak now. Up in those parts it will be gone today anyway as someone will have liberated it by now.
Wow, that really sucks. Under the circumstances you really are fortunate, nodoby hurt, got a ride shortly after, etc., it could have been a lot worse, but it still sucks.
Glad everyone is ok GTS, Man That is sad to say the least bud.:coffee:
Best vechicle you ever owned ? I guess you never owned a dodge. I'm glad nobody was hurt, But i wish all the toyotas in the usa would burn like that,The world would be a much better place. If we banned the foreing cars then the big 3 wouldn't need no bailout
In the big picture, we are lucky! We might not have got out or it could have started a forrest fire and we would have had to run for our lives. The hot springs were nice at least.:roll:
Best vechicle you ever owned ? I guess you never owned a dodge. I'm glad nobody was hurt, But i wish all the toyotas in the usa would burn like that,The world would be a much better place. If we banned the foreing cars then the big 3 wouldn't need no bailout

Best 4x4 I've ever owned. I had a ram charger and a dodge 4x4 pick up, they didn't compare. Factory front and rear locking diff's, front and rear four link coil spring suspension. The new
jeep rubicon is the only other comparable vehicle and it took them 10 years to catch up. If the big three didn't spend the last two decades building garbage they wouldn't be in trouble. Yes I have owned many dodges and obviously love them as the old ones were as good as anything built by anyone. Thanks for your input.
Best vechicle you ever owned ? I guess you never owned a dodge. I'm glad nobody was hurt, But i wish all the toyotas in the usa would burn like that,The world would be a much better place. If we banned the foreing cars then the big 3 wouldn't need no bailout

REALLY ?Are you serious?? If we had banned all the toyotas, mazdas, hondas, etc., we'd probably be WALKING RIGHT NOW.. If the "BIG 3" had quite worrying about their pocket linings and focused on a quality product, THEY wouldn't need bailing out, and we would have a better product. That's what we get for being so cocky....ok, i'm through, my.02
And i'm glad every one was ok...good looking 'cruiser
dude that really blows. even if it was a ricer. did the insurance co. pay off?
That's really to bad that she burned down and hopefully BCIC will come through for ya. I've owned a few Toyota 4X4's over the years and they were great trucks and cars. As far as that comment about burning down all Toyotas, I remember the "CRAP" :vom: that Detroit was building years ago before Toyota and Datsun (Nissan) came along and Detroit was forced to clean up their act if they wanted to continue to sell in this country. I didn't go near a "new" Detroit car or truck for 10 yrs for that reason.

Wow, very sorry about your truck. That is just horrible to see :sad1:

Glad you and the family got out unscathed.

I agree with ramcharger.....send a letter and pics to Toyota. You never know :wink:
By old girl. If it wasn't for **** luck I'd have no luck at all lately. We were 60 Km from anywhere with no phone service. I had enough emergency equipment to keep us through the night but thank God that wasn't necessary. Lets hope ICBC insurance doesn't put up a fight. I don't think I can replace that truck with what I'll get from them. I just thank God we got out as it went up very fast.:vom:
4x4s are not too expensive right now, what with the recession and all. Hopefully, you will get enough to get a decent replacement.
dude that really blows. even if it was a ricer. did the insurance co. pay off?

Still waiting for the call from the adjuster. If they don't the GTS will be up for sale despite me never having driven it. Family car comes before toys and I'm not willing to take on any debt for a car despite it being my dream car and all. I hope it doesn't come to that but the way my luck has gone this year I'm already grabbing my ankles.
Hope they pull through for you. Looks like you were having a fine day until then, maybe you can laugh about it in a few years! Good times, good times. I always try be optimistic, even though the pessimism usually prevails.