Rust remover?



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
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What's the name of that stuff that you can add to water and soak parts in and it removes the rust?
I searched all over this site, knowing some members even posted pics, and cannot find it.
After treating and rinsing you can spray it with Rust-fix or other primer designed for rust prone steel.
It works good but you have to keep it wet for long periods. If you are doing stuff that is large it's a pain and the more expensive store bought manufactured stuff will work better (faster and easier) than the vinegar.
If you are home all day to do it you can respray every half hour or so.
It is natures anti-rust. Grab something rusty and put some on it. It wipes flash surface rust right off and works good on old chrome if you wax it afterwards.
There is an acid I used when I had my pressure washing company. It's not sold to the public and it works great! Rust is gone in just a few minutes!
But you can't get any on you cause it can kill you. It will also eat chrome off the metal and make glass look like it was in the ocean for a long time. It turns polished aluminium white.

If you have an arc welder electrolysis works well.

Most of the rust dissolvers take awhile to work.
I built an electrolysis tank out of a 55 gallon plastic barrel. I lined the inside with thin stainless sheeting I found second hand. Fill it with Arm and hammer washing soda and water mixture (cost about $1). Then I hang what ever I'm wanting to derust with wire from a 4X4 block of wood that straddles the top. Hook up an elcheapo battery charger to the wire and the other to the stainless sheeting that lines the inside of the barrel and leave over night. Nice thing about electrolysis is the solution never goes bad and it will only remove the rust. Will never etch or stain anything and I've used my engine hoist before to drop whole blocks in and just hang it from the hoist while I'm running it.
Could I use this for one? lol
