Shade Tree Vintage Auto on YouTube
getting a bit hostel in here. some may need to tone it down. He's new here and may be a little new to classic cars.
not to origional poster in paticular. here is what i got to say
" STFU " !!. so tired of guys complaining about cars getting hacked. shut up. if you want to be some big shot savior, you buy them. alot of car on here that have been hacked will not sell as rollers. point blank. cut them!
it sounds like idiot math for the ones saying to save them.
here. buy a roller for 1k put 30 k into it to restore. if you had to sell, you still only get 15k out of it!. how does that add up? maybe i need to check into a hospitol for crazies!
or maybe you should get another hobby, i respect what you do as far as building cars, pinkys progress was great, but i dont respect how you treat the hobby, focus more on the fun of building a car, the struggles, and the joy you feel when its done, rather then hacking up someone elses dream car to fatten your pockets.