If you get someone to blast with sand, they have to really know what they are doing, or the metal will warp, you will get a severely pitted surface, etc.
I do not believe dry ice blasting will remove rust, but dont know for sure. Around here, all it is used for is cleaning stainless steel food service equipment because there are absolutely no health hazards associated with it, and the stainless steel will not rust because of the moisture.
Anyone that does soda blasting has other medium at their disposal, like potassium. It is a little more aggressive than soda, and it will remove rust. Crushed walnut shells, plastic beads, ground glass, can also be used, but you need to discuss it with your blaster. Soda needs to be neutralized, but some of the other medias do not. Also, most people that do soda blasting have stuff they can put on the metal to keep it from flash rusting for short periods of time. I had a fender blasted with plastic beads, and the guy then treated it with something. I didnt use it for several months, and it did not flash rust.
Around here, it costs $500-$1000 to soda blast a whole car. There is a guy about an hour away from me that has a portable rig that will come to your location and do a whole car for $600.