Satin Centerline Auto Drag rims



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Colorado Springs,Co
Recenty bought a set of them at a swap meet and planned to put them on my ‘65 Dart after a big bolt conversion. What are you using to clean them up? Is there a way to kind of re satin them to look really new? Thanks for the help!
maybe hit them with a rotary scotchbrite pad while you are turning them on a hub (washing machine belt over a bench grinder comes to mind) try and keep with the grain. Maybe even something more harsh if your going to spin them but dont go overboard becasue you cant get between the rivets with this approach. IF you use Eagle One etching mag cleaner, youll dull the finish. if you polish them youll not get it right between the rivets. They are sort of fragile finish wise. if they are not scarred up, perhaps simple green and and some elbow grease. Ive got some old ones that are thrashed: poc marked from erosion and age. I may just powdercoat them black and mask off/keep the rivets silver.
I've done it with a soft brush and diluted acid etch cleaner, either turn it by hand with an old axle or use a machine like pishta said ^^
Try WD-40 ,and a green Schotchbrite pad . Run the pad in a fluid ,smooth motion . Use the WD , aggressively.
It should knock off the ages of oxidation. (Try a small spot first , to see if you like the finish. )
Polish mine with Mothers mag wheel cleaner excellent results..