I cannot imagine the pain in your hearts now as you grieve the loss of your child. Thoughts and prayers to you and all who loved this wonderful young lady.
So sorry to hear this. She was blessed to have such great parents! Praying that you will find strength and courage moving forward until you meet again. RIP Nella, Joe
I’m so sorry to hear this news Geof! I can’t even begin to fathom what y’all are going through. I only met Bella once, but she was such a sweet young lady! Our prayers are with you and the rest of the family.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
It’s hard to put into words how to express feelings ,so I included two Irish prayers also a picture I drew a while back of a horse. I believe I posted for Nelle.
My sincere condolences to you in the loss of your precious daughter. Your loss is heaven's gain. I doubt many here can understand the grief of losing a young child....I know I cannot. My prayers for you and your family.
The news I received blew the wind out of my sails yesterday morning, Nella was the sunshine on cloudy days for me for many years, I was the one blessed to have met her and the family that stoled my hart.. I love you all dearly and many prayers have been sent (some in tears).
Strength, wisdom and health are in my hart for Ian, Geoff and his wife up in Michigan..
I bought one of Nella's books and on one page there is a place in it where it shows her thinking with an empty cloud above her, this is what I drew in it guessing what's on her mind, she loved riding and she had the very best caring parents anyone could have .
Missing Nella as I type, love you , RIP and say hello to Buddy for me.. she loved seeing pictures of him..